Rear discs from renault warranty

Hi i bought a pair of rear discs from renault in march, one of them has failed and looks like its leaked and on the way out, will they replace this? i ordered it online and ive got the invoice?
the only thing i can think of the bearing as shat its cover and the grease as come out
That's a decent result, although a bit disappointing they went wrong in the first place. But hey ho, IMO at times like this its more how they choose to deal with the problem, than the problem itself that's important.
Whi fitted them? I would imagine they have been over/under tightened which has caused them to fail?
its been a while since ive seen a rear disc/bearing, but if knock on the bearing in the wrong place its knackards the bearing up, but again ifs its been over tightened again its been done whilst being fitted