Rear coilover fouling wheel arch!?


Paid Member
Evening all, I will attach picture from my car specifically on Monday but thought I’d get the ball rolling.

I have a clio 200 with AST 5200 coilovers. On the passenger side only there is no clearance, so the rear coilover spring is rubbing on the chassis (see pic for location). Anyone familiar with whether this is a known issue with coilovers on clio mk3 or might it be specific to ast 5200’s?


It’s ‘normal’

out of the 5 sets of Gaz’s my mates have, 3 required hammering. Nothing to worry about
It’s ‘normal’

out of the 5 sets of Gaz’s my mates have, 3 required hammering. Nothing to worry about

Thanks for a quick response and you also answered the next question. Hammer it is then!!

I assume the variation is on the chassis structure as they’re all mounting in a uniform position within the existing holes. Unless on second thoughts there is a small discrepancy with where the mounting points are from car to car?

Anyway, that’s helpful to know.

Cheers man
I’m not 100% sure, but I think it’s a panel issue as opposed to the geometry of the suspension and mounting points.
From what I’ve seen, some are certainly worse than other.

Obviously the car was never really designed to have a coil over shock so it isn’t really an issue for the OEM.
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Sorry to drag this thread back up, I've just fitted my Gaz gold rears and the passenger side is super tight yet the drivers is fine, is it just a case of block of wood and tap the panel in?
This is rather bizarre and it seems that something has been changed since I bought mine.

The 5100 kit I bought back in 2011 (I know, ages ago) would not rub at all, clearance was tight but it wouldn't even touch the inner arch. I then changed springs and converted to 5200 with again, no issues. Unless Mark Fish did something at the time that he didn't mention - doubt it though.
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This is rather bizarre and it seems that something has been changed since I bought mine.

The 5100 kit I bought back in 2011 (I know, ages ago) would not rub at all, clearance was tight but it wouldn't even touch the inner arch. I then changed springs and converted to 5200 with again, no issues. Unless Mark Fish did something at the time that he didn't mention - doubt it though.
I was talking about Gaz Golds and not ASTs.
Some are built different.
It's a known issue, and not something which people should think in to too much.

Me and my pals ordered 5 sets of Gaz's and fitted them all in the space of a few weeks. 3 cars needed additional clearance, 2 didn't.
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I had the same issue with a set of Gaz coilovers

I got a short bit of scaffolding pipe and battered a smooth shape into the arch
worked a treat