Have any of considered that your cars are simply closet communists?
On Masa's progress thread he had some washers made that keep the subframe perfectly aligned. It solved his 'pulling to the left' issue. I can't believe someone with the manufacturing capability hasn't started making them as it's far from being an isolated incident.
I looked into it when working in the machine shop here at work...BUT...the initial outlay is huge to buy a kit to "copy"
With that in mind, i also didnt want to be taking subframes off my car on the drive to try and measure holes up, put back together, make, take apart, fit, find they didnt fit...etc etc.
Need somebody with a ramp, and a lathe, so prototypes can be made and fitted as you go along.
I shall have a word with a mate however....if i can get prototypes to go in the front subframe, i can get them made in the masses.
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