Plates Stolen

Just had my plates stolen off my white 197 Cup at the cinema car park so anyone with one of these might wanna make sure your keys are in a safe place just incase.
Im in the Northampton area
Its already been reported to the police
Yea Sixfields, i was parked right in the corner hoping no one would scratch or touch it, i guess i parked too far away so they could do it without being seen
Ive thought that when ive parked mine there, to far away is obvious. I leave mine near the middle under the lights!! Bit more difficult to deface in full view. I hate parking there anyway, full of un savory chavs!
new plates and security screws mate or them plates that shatter when u try n pull em off?
Haha! :smile: Because im a simpleton!

Nah, simply so i can take it off while washing and going to shows etc. Alot easier and i also like the clean look of not having screws through my plates haha!.
It doesn't matter where you park lads, my dad's number plates were stolen off his TT on the driveway!
I don't want to make you worried or anything, but the number plates usually hide the ID of a stolen car they then use to steal fuel and break in to people's houses. The Police should investigate every time the plates are caught speeding etc. and not send you the fine unless it's obvious it's not you. But it's likely they'll try you first! Lol!
They caught the guy who stole my dad's plates, he wasn't very clever about it though, he put the plates on a different colour car and it was the mk1 tt, not the mk2 like my dad's. So it was easy to spot the fake!
It's £20 you shouldn't have to spend. These guys are complete wastes of space. Should be shot.

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