Panic attack

stick with it mate dark times but you will come out of it im sure theres light at the end of the tunnel
i had 6 months of feeling so low last yr after my acciedent and never thought i would ever get over it but you do.keep in there have a good hols and relax
dude, I had exactly the same problem about a year ago.

Ill give a little insight into my earlier years.
I was always the most popular guy at school, football captain for my year and 2 years above. Represented Lincolnshire for running and football, GTFC school of excellence for 9 years. Left school with good grades, started modelling, as you do I went through a drink and drug patch because of the people I was hanging with ( coke head models)

I met my other half 7 years ago, became good friends, took it to the next step, been engaged for 5 years, have a 3 year old, and a 4 week old, own house, no money owed out etc.

When Caden was 2, I really started to suffer badly due to bad past experiences from me pre teen years, crypto sparidium, or however you spell it, problem with the bowels, meaning running close to not making it a few times. This then grew onto a somewhat obsession, I would not leave the house without going to the toilet etc, making myself really quite ill through doing so, everytime I had an icky stomach, I would pop literally handfulls of imodium, just to allow me to live my life.

I was then diagnosed with having kidney stones because of the imodium problem in both kidneys. I was hospitalised for 3 weeks. Found that my partner had been speaking to one of her ex's. I kicked off. We split up. within the time of splitting up, I also lost, My Great Grandma, Great Auntie, and both grandads, all to whom i was VERY close to.

all of this lead up to me suffering a break down! I tried comitting suicide, I couldnt see the light at the end that we all hope for. I am not ashamed by any of this by the way, its whats made me into the person I am today, although I was very selfish in trying to take my own life.

worst bit about this time also, my supposed 'friends' were going behind my back slagging me off, saying ive lost the plot etc.

I was then put on many various medications, all of which I wasnt happy about taking. Diazepam, Amytriptaline, Fluoxatine, and currently on cipramil.

At this time also I had been to a mental hospital, and was assessed on two occasions, both to which I was deemed to be 'not at risk'

The docs then reffered me onto something called poesis at my doctors, basically a shrink,Low and behold, although as the same with the meds, I was hesitant, but he helped me out a great deal, gave me an audio cd to participate with, and taught me certain excercies to help me also. He also put me on a confidence course, which was basically with people at exactly the same stage of their lives, but from all age groups.

after all this commotion, me and my partner were able to sort things out, and moved back in etc, had our 2nd ( and last) child haha and I am now as happy as ever.

the moral of this is despite what people tell you about taking prescribed meds, shrinks etc, dont take notice of them, do whats right for you, if you try it and it doesnt work, at least you have tried, and there IS alternatives.

I am now 24, living with my beautiful family, Tash 25, Caden 3, Caleb 4 weeks, no mortgage, no money outstanding, new job, holidays booked. All of my past has made me into the person I am today, and despite how much you may hate people, life etc..... life is way too short.

arrrggghhh finished.... sorry to blab on
Try and take a holiday sooner rather than later, avoid those "hypochondriac" websites lol - the NHS site told me I had Swine Flu when the only symptom I put in was headache!!!

You will face these depressive situations - I did, my wife did, my best friend did. I was 18, my wife was 25, my best friend was 14 - so don't you worry!!

You'll pull through this, I assure you :smile:
thanks for the comments guys.

i felt fine all night then all of a sudden my mind goes back to it "why do i feel fine suddenly" im going away on monday thankfully and not even going to take a computer lol for once in my life.

I have always been a pretty well maintained guy never complained to much and always kept things inside, i think its just all built up and gone BANG tbh. loads of stuff keeps coming out that i had no idea i even cared about, business has taken a back seat which i think it needs to, life is far to short. i just need to get myself a hobby or something. maybe blogging my situation out instead of keeping it bottled up inside, pretty much what im doing now i guess.

im going to take things day by day.

i know where the problems lay, i just cant seem to over come them.

i work alone most the time in a big office, thats inside my dads warehouse all there are is old ppl around me, i pick i pack i post all day every day. same routine every day of the week, i think my minds just gone of the rails a lil and i need to get it sorted by taking a look at my life :smile:

one good thing has come to me however, its nice to know that there are still some people out that who can help a stranger along. for sure if i was to post this on i would get abuse!

which maybe i do need. My girlfriends at her loose ends with me, im doing everybody's nuts in.

i physically cannot wait to be sat on a beach next week. im coming up to 21 on friday. and i just feel like i should be coming up to 61, almost as if my life is on its rails now and set.

i know its all in my head as i can go for hours feeling fine. and i sleep well (touch wood) and if i had any medical issue i would be odd all the time and feeling **** all the time.

i just need to get it out of my head. I seemed to manage that the first time it happened but this time i feel glued to this predicament.

cant believe how much your mind can play games on you.
i know the underlaying cause is my neck tensing up as i panic causing my head to go funny, i can feel the funny sensation in my neck muscles as im typing this laying on my pillow.

Im thinking visiting a chiropractor may be the best next step, as i know tight back muscles can totally mess you up. due to blocking things getting into the brain. I just feel all i need to be told is that im fine and i will be. And maybe going and seeing a back person might help that. and ease the stress i get in my back.

thanks for the help people.
I will keep this thread as a lil blog for what is happening and to get things off my chest to the randomers on the clio forum, who i actually feel i know better than some of my friends who wont give me the time of day right now.
honestly chowie, you really find out who your mates are when something like this happens, I had exactly the same problem, so thought balls to you! no longer speak to any of them that didnt support me!

give me a shout if you want a chat anytime buddy, its sometimes best when you speak to someone that you dont see all the time
Ill also see if I can find the audio cd that I got given by poesis, it really does help mate trust me, puts you into a totally relaxed mind set. Once i find it, Ill ask for your address, and post it out to you
sorry, maybe should of put it into one post,

what I found really worked for me, as might you, is once you begin to start with the thoughts etc, divert yourself, and drop whatever your currently doing, and go onto something else. Do you excercise?

Go for walks with your GF. Keep your mind as physically and mentally active as you can
yer i run pretty much every day, well use to until i keep coming over feeling almost exhausted by the time i get home.

i slept so well last night and woke up fine again, untill i suddenly think im FINE :smile: then bang it hits me again, so annoying.

the thing is it keeps scaring me, i know it isnt anything but in the back of my mind i keep thinking it could be, i just need to get over that :worried:

i feel like a total plum, im pretty active, get up and go sorta person but this has total ****ed that up :worried: im just gunna fight through it :smile:

today im just going to ignore any feeling. I find if i talk to people i feel better, but if im stood thinking i come over feeling light headed and i just need to get back into my office :worried: or sit down.

The only benefit i seem to have now is im not getting such bad head pressure feeling anymore, more my neck tensing causing my head to go tight :worried:

Ill give anything a go right now, so the cd might work :smile:


Feel better over the past few days just totally ignored it, its been my birthday so just been trying to put a smile on, and it seems to have worked.
Thursday however was a bad night.
i was fine all day, had so many orders etc to get out, but then for some unknown reason i got in the car on the way home from work felt my head and a huge swelling had appeared on the one of those bones people have sticking out on the back of there heads.
I think most people have them, all my friends do anyways.
You have one of either side. occipital bones or something.

i shat myself TBH
but then thought i felt fine all day and have been stressed due to work load so i could of just hit my head and not felt it... WRONG!

i woke up the next day and thought i better get it looked at just in case, so went to the doc AGAIN! i have a very understanding doc so its ok.
She felt said lump for ages, it was very painful, no head on it at all, no bruise just a pinky lump. (mainly pink as i poke it lol)

She just said its a swollen muscle due to stress and neck tightness. didnt een know we had muscle there...

its now sat and i still have the lump it has not got any bigger and it seems to be getting smaller in fact. (the doc re assured me that if it was bad it would not grow in one day to the size it did) and she did look last week at that area and i have been keeping an eye on my head etc due to my sick obsession with checking myself atm lol so i know it grew within 1 day pretty much)

I had a pretty good day today untill now. i thought to myself and god only knows why i did, im going away on monday and i started thinking what if my head gets really saw on the plane due to the pressures. I need to get my head straight sometimes, im now starting to worry that i may get a bad head on a short plane trip due to the made up brain problem i seem to have atm :worried: im going ****ing crazy i swear, however it seems i am slowly getting over the issues i was having, i went to london yesterday shopping and was fine. and today i seemed back to normal until i thought of some stupid things. my heads just seems to like playing games with me at the moment.

Hopefully this holiday will do me good :smile:

I like to release all my thoughts on this forum for some very strange reason.

Thanks for putting up with me :smile:
Suffered from panic attacks for years mate and it's greatly affected my ability to drive my beloved 197 as I've developed a slight driving phobia.

This may sound odd but do you suffer from hay fever at all? I found that my chest gets alot tighter during the summer months if I don't take a Clarityn tablet. Without it my anxiety gets a bit worse due to the panic of a tight chest and as soon as I take it the symptoms are hugely relieved.
UPDATE :smile:

right so for the past few weeks i have felt fine again, a lil twitchy and on edge but alot better.

now i have got a swell on the back of my head, just where most people have those two bones either side of there occipital bones... hard to explain, so i went to the doctors about this and they dont seem concerned at all! even though i am... Apparently its only a tiny swell due to muscle tension from stressing and tightening my neck muscles causing a slight swell... Had it for weeks and its gone down a little bit but its still there, although no where near as tight.

I also whilst on holiday discovered a tiny lump in my neck, sort of mid way down on the side. Lymph node maybe... But its not got any bigger and its not sore or anything and the docs don't seem to be able to feel it, so i guess im just pushing hard and have found it and can feel it more as its inside me...

Now i have also got what could be another gland swollen on the other side of my neck lower down again, this time painful and a little larger but its soft and came up over night pretty much, yet again the docs cant feel it.

am i just getting myself worked up again for no reason, im trying to relax and chill but im finding it very hard with all these little things going on. (ready on the web what these nodes are has ****ed me up a lil)

But the docs dont seem worried and im just messing my head up thinking about them.

Could it be these are all just little fat build ups or muscle swells aswell, I have kinda got it in my head its a brain issue or something, which is silly, but i cant get that out of my head, the docs did a full once over on me my eyes ears etc blood pressure, nothing wrong at all, no fever.

I know if they are nodes they come up due to infection... but i could just be feeling un swollen nodes and because i have pushed them maybe caused them to swell a bit?

What ever is going on with me, i think a lot of its in my head cuz it started in my groin as a pain and nothing in my head at all now no pain down below and yet a funny head! would my optician notice if there was something wrong in the head with my eye test, all my eye pressure were good.

Could it just be the cyst/muscle swell on my head is causing my nodes to flare... i know your not doctors but the real doctors dont seem to care and think im fine, which i hope i am. But i just feel unusual and not myself all the time. Panic i know but i think i have reason to panic with random lumps appearing on my neck and head...

i know a few on here work in the medical industry so just wanted a lil insight?

im 21 just with a heck of alot of stress work wise and health wise at the minute so it could be all stress :worried:

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