Ok, so I debaged the back..but...

I used some tar remover, then clayed it, and then used some super resin polish!

Didn't take long to budge.
I would say as above. Use a good tar remover and then a polish will probably be good enough. Or if that fails a light compound such as Megs Scratch X 2.0 over the whole boot lid.
I used "Sticky Stuff Remover" on the car (when the F1 stickers were removed)- did the job perfectly, not a mark on her!
There isn't any sticky stuff left, I assume that's the outline from when people have waxed it and not cleaned it properly. You should see the "Renault Sport", it's appalling. There's chunks of wax build up.

Cheers for the suggestions :smile:
This happened with mine, I just polished it out, cant see any glue or outline of it now. I used Mikeh197's DA polisher which helped ALOT.
Mine did that too - I used tar remover to get it as smooth as possible and t-cut to remove the remainder. Finally, a good coat of wax and now she's perfect. :smile:
Mine did that too - I used tar remover to get it as smooth as possible and t-cut to remove the remainder. Finally, a good coat of wax and now she's perfect. :smile:

I was thinking T-Cut as well...

I'll leave it for the time being, it's not overally noticable. Undecided what to do with the ren sport badges at the moment anyway.
I want rid of Renault sport badge, scared though now lol, Think I will wait till I get it detailed so he can get it out.
I want rid of Renault sport badge, scared though now lol, Think I will wait till I get it detailed so he can get it out.
I'd be happy to help you mate. Easy peasy - and that's coming from me! Shoot me a PM if you're interested. :smile:
I was thinking T-Cut as well...

I'll leave it for the time being, it's not overally noticable. Undecided what to do with the ren sport badges at the moment anyway.

dont use t-cut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

use something like meguires ultimate compound - alot better on the paint work than t-cut:wink:
There's no glue to remove, so why would a glue remover help???

I'll try the megs stuff, cheers.
Ye, scratch x 2.0 or Ultimate Compound. I've used both and I like the Ultimate Compound, worked well on my other halves SportKa.