MOM Willis

Roy legend
Member of the moment (Name): Willis

Write something about yourself: I like fast, loud, dangerous things...

Real Name: William O'Gorman

Age: 25

Birthplace: Manchester

Current Location: Altrincham, Cheshire

Marital Status: Engaged to Caroline

Sexual Preference: Caroline

Vital Stats: 5'8'', 70KG

Occupation: Dad, Genius, Winning, HGV Driver, Fashion Icon, Renaultsport Test Driver...

What Car Do You Drive: Nicole The Renaultsport 197

Date you joined 15.05.2010

Describe Yourself in 3 Words: Fun, Honest, Fuelish

Favourite Members on Anyone funny or helpful... Roy, Mike, Arran, Litchy, N0ddie and Fernandez are the names that spring to mind but to be honest everyone seems decent...


Food: Jerk Chicken

Drink: Full Fat Milk

Film: Oooh, I have a few to be honest. At the moment it's Senna but Gone In 60 Seconds and C'etait Rendezvous Paris are also very high on the list along with any of the Die Hard Quadrilogy...

Football/Rugby/Other Sports Team: Manchester United, Toronto Maple Leafs

TV programme: Friends, Sherlock, An Idiot Abroad

TV presenter: Holly Willoughby


Song: Like films, I've got a few. If I had to pick one though...

Singer/Band: The Saturdays


Computer Game: Forza Motorsport 4

Perfect Dream Women: One who can cook, make me laugh and doesn't ask questions about what's in the shed or how much money the parcel with K-Tec or Renaultsport written on it has cost me. In short, Caroline...

All time WWE/WWF Wrestler: Stone Cold Steve Austin


Non-Car-Related Website: Facebook

3 Car Garage: Nicole, Impreza Hatchback, Porsche 911 GT3 RS

Likes: Cars, Films, Music, Boxing, Motorsport

Dislikes: Liars, Cheats, Dishonesty, Benefit Scroungers, The Scouse Accent

Fantasy Partner to...

Marry: Alizee


Have a one night stand with: The Saturdays




Sum up in three words: It's All Good

Who should be interviewed next and why: Litchy

What Do You like Most about That Person: Friendly, Helpful, Northern

Random Question to ask that Person: Can I have your Compos please!?!...

First Person off the site you met: Woody, briefly at Oulton Park early last year...
Oh, Willis, where's a picture??!?!!??!


:smile: Very good write up, didn't know you were HGV driver :oops:
Lol, Scouse accent... Eh calm down, eh, eh

N0ddie, you know how it is!!! :wink:

Hahaha I did put the pics in (although I forgot one of myself d'oh!!!), get the tags on there Roy!!! :D

I am indeed Mike, Class 2 (Passed Jan '10) so anything upto 32T. I work for a private recycling company ( [url][/url] ) picking up paper/plastic/cardboard etc., basically a posh binman!!! But from shcool I went into engineering, specifically building trucks but the money and pension is better where I am now (plus they paid for my Class 2 and are putting me through a load of NVQs in Waste Management as well as HIAB and HAZMAT courses) and I don't get covered in dust and swarf all day now either.

Fernandez, it goes through me, the missus has got into watching Desperate Scousewives and it doesn't half make me cringe!!! :D
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N0ddie, you know how it is!!! :wink:

Hahaha I did put the pics in (although I forgot one of myself d'oh!!!), get the tags on there Roy!!! :D

I am indeed Mike, Class 2 (Passed Jan '10) so anything upto 32T. I work for a private recycling company ( [URL=""][/URL] ) picking up paper/plastic/cardboard etc., basically a posh binman!!! But from shcool I went into engineering, specifically building trucks but the money and pension is better where I am now (plus they paid for my Class 2 and are putting me through a load of NVQs in Waste Management as well as HIAB and HAZMAT courses) and I don't get covered in dust and swarf all day now either.

Fernandez, it goes through me, the missus has got into watching Desperate Scousewives and it doesn't half make me cringe!!! :D[/QUOTE]

Things are only gonna get better for the Recycling sector with the stringent rules on environment. Good business to be in.
That's it, everyone wants to at least look ''green'' these days. Every single customer who takes one of our ''general waste'' bins or containers is given the option of a free ''recycling'' one (we make the money on the recycling ones by selling/shipping the materials to China for processing) and most places take us up on the offer. We've been lucky and continued to grow over these last two years despite the recession, afterall, people will ALWAYS need waste taking away...

Even our general waste is now processed for use in BioFuel powerplants, around 90% of what we collect is recycled.
Roy: Are you able put the MOM's in their own section or tag them on to the end of the original one and make it a sticky. They make good reading just like the "Show us your ugly mug"
There is one somewhere I will have a look
I have some more to post but going to do it over a few days

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