
i have been on this earth 49 years this year, so a few things I've noticed.
One I really struggle to find anything I haven't eaten a million times already.
No idea what I want for tea anymore because there's nothing I fancy or anything new I want to eat, odd I no but I have to wonder if being alive another 49 years is really going to be very interesting.
Second been driving since 1989, been there when everyone owned petrol petrol cars. Government pushed us to by diesel so we all did. Now they want to scrap them and get us into petrol again.
New speeding laws, new tax laws. Don't do this and don't do that but politicians are all bent themselves. I'm self employed and pay my tax and do what I'm supposed to do generally. I don't do cash jobs and stash it under my bed.
I bring my kids up to be nice and hopefully treat people well but I feel ever increasingly like I'm just a pawn in a game.
Shouldn't life feel like an achievement in the end and not like a doormat? Lol
I am in no way suicidal or having a bad day ! Just feel 48:chair:
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I get you Steve, and it was only yesterday I was standing on the train platform waiting to go into London and I had this sudden clarity of how I wish I lived in simpler times. Roads are too congested to have fun anymore, people are increasingly rude, violence and crime on the up - it's all snowballing.
At the end of the day I'm a sack of meat with a finite time on this planet, so nothing should be dismissed and everything considered. Could quite easily move to Spain and live a simpler life. It's just the money thing at the end of the day that limits our enjoyment.
All this, and I've only just turned 37 :tongueout:
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Ha ha im 43 and and agree with above. I got into an argument with a girl I worked with I made a comment we are all slaves, we just have an illusion of freedom...yeh she was not impressed with that, but I think its true.

Its hard not to stop and look around and think wft is going on, I do it a lot - I feel angry and a little selfish having a daughter, its not a great world we live in, people remind me though that she may not think that way when she grows up perhaps she will live a nice a life and be happy...I can only hope and I can only do my best...

Wow super deep thread @Siliconsteve - must be an age thing...:poke:
I get you Steve, and it was only yesterday I was standing on the train platform waiting to go into London and I had this sudden clarity of how I wish I lived in simpler times. Roads are too congested to have fun anymore, people are increasingly rude, violence and crime on the up - it's all snowballing.
At the end of the day I'm a sack of meat with a finite time on this planet, so nothing should be dismissed and everything considered. Could quite easily move to Spain and live a simpler life. It's just the money thing at the end of the day that limits our enjoyment.
All this, and I've only just turned 37 :tongueout:

Haha glad I have some in agreement. As said before a lot of people on benefits etc will wind up better off than me, I feel like I'm constantly being kicked in the balls and it's not a fair life.
It wasn't meant to be a deep thread, just one describing how I feel after nearly half a century. Maybe I should join the dark side and bend all the rules!
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Set yourself some goals Steve, must be tonnes of stuff you want to get out and do, problem is most of us get stuck in the daily grind and don't dedicate enough time to focus on the real things we want to do. Goal setting seems a bit odd to a lot of people but even from really small stuff it will give that sense of achievement. I've been doing it, combined with a few other things for the last 2-3 years and I've probably never been happier.

When you're focussed on getting where you want to get to, all the other sh*te and nonsense disappears, just noise in the background.

A favourite quote of mine "We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us"

Here endeth my deep sounding post lol :smiley:
Schopenhauer summed life up pretty well in my opinion, "It would be better if there were nothing. Since there is more pain than pleasure on earth, every satisfaction is only transitory, creating new desires and new distresses, and the agony of the devoured animal is always far greater than the pleasure of the devourer". Although i'm sure we could all agree with the fact that ignorance is bliss.
Haha glad I have some in agreement. As said before a lot of people on benefits etc will wind up better off than me, I feel like I'm constantly being kicked in the balls and it's not a fair life.

For what it's worth, although it may not seem fair, you need to take some credit for not being 'that' person and the good things you know you have done in life. Although it may only serve an emotional purpose, it's better than nothing.
Maybe you should set a goal for achieving 216bhp on KTEC's rollers with nothing but stickers on the car and a pair of pants on your head.
Money has become far too important in life in my opinion. I'm as guilty as anyone.
Setting yourself targets and doing things I want to do all seem to involve extra money which means I have to work more and don't have the time to do them lol
My son is coming up to 18 and his world is so far removed from what mine was at his age that I'm not sure I'd swap places with him. Wants for nothing but has hardly any freedom. Horrible!

There are two types of people in this country mate
Honest upstanding hardworking considerate decent folk &
Dishonest snivelling bottom feeding sponging w*****s.
Im pretty sure I know which category you fall into:grinning:
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I think society now is all about the quick fix; we want something and usually we can just go out and get it. It makes people selfish, lazy and greedy - it's all about what the individual wants out of life, with very little regard for their fellow man. Whether it's politicians at the top, eager to further themselves at the expense of Joe public, or the scrotes who take, take, take and never give anything back to society.

You can either let that eat away at you, or you can concentrate on bettering yourself and making sure the life you live is the best you can make it. There may be a lot of crap in our lives, a lot of things that get us down and get on our nerves, but I would say that most of us have a hell of a lot to be grateful and thankful for every day. It's all about how we view things and deal with what we have going on in our lives:

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
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I get you Steve, and it was only yesterday I was standing on the train platform waiting to go into London and I had this sudden clarity of how I wish I lived in simpler times. Roads are too congested to have fun anymore, people are increasingly rude, violence and crime on the up - it's all snowballing.
At the end of the day I'm a sack of meat with a finite time on this planet, so nothing should be dismissed and everything considered. Could quite easily move to Spain and live a simpler life. It's just the money thing at the end of the day that limits our enjoyment.
All this, and I've only just turned 37 :tongueout:

Get out of the smog and move to the 'Country' somewhere.

All those things sorted in one swoop.....
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I am coming up to 77 years of age, worked for 56 years, bought up 4 kids, never out of work. One regret?. Not allowed to go parachuting any more, and no, I am not interested in a tandem jump/bungee jump, no fun in that.Now running Arthurs Shed, great fun, but not exciting after parachuting.You want peace and quiet in your life, then move to the Scottish moors. Enjoy life guys, you are a long time dead.
stay single right Jimmy :thumb:
guess we all feel like you Steve sometimes..gotta say that we i was growing up,we didnt have tv's and wanted to go out we had to go and ring a bell on your mate's house..things change a teacher I can see where this all is going and it makes me very sad..
well we still have our cars,havent we??this little blue muffin makes me forget all bad that is happening just for the short time while behind the wheel...
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Haha glad I have some in agreement. As said before a lot of people on benefits etc will wind up better off than me, I feel like I'm constantly being kicked in the balls and it's not a fair life.
It wasn't meant to be a deep thread, just one describing how I feel after nearly half a century. Maybe I should join the dark side and bend all the rules!

The closest town to me we used to see this all the time teenagers walking around with babies, who were obviously rinsing the system for all they can while I had to go to work everday.

The guys I worked with were sick of it infact one of the guys would joke about how we could shoot them from the top floor we worked on....well we joked about it, he did day he turned up with an air rifle...shots were fired...police came, it was ugly...thats a true story sadly.

I personally know a girl who got 'knocked up', her mum took her to the benefits office and said im throwing her out the house tonight what are YOU going to do about it.

In short she was imediately housed in a flat...second kid came along and she was re housed in a 3 bedroom house...

Funny thing is her twin worked with us as well and she was the complete oppposite and even she said she dislikes what her sister done.

My dad now 84 reminds me constantly what you have you had to work for, these people have nothing in reality and nothing to show for it....I try and listen to my dad, but its so hard to keep your head up sometimes.
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Look guys my young life was S### my stepfather thought I was a punch bag.I made a choice when I was stronger no one would ever dictate what I could do and not do in my life.I work hard so I can enjoy my life with Diane my realise is ??? a few times a year.Iam 56 and will never lay down to anybody or anything
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Deep thread! I've suffered from depression on & off (mostly on) since my teens. I'm 56 now. I always managed to convince myself things would get better. I got sick of the traffic in south east England where I was a white van man. My wife (a Scot) & I decided to jack in our jobs and move to the Highlands 17 years ago. Yes you still have to go to work for a living, but as long as I have enough to pay the bills & get away each year that's fine. Never been career minded. Now we have great scenery & fun roads to play on.
I'm fortunate enough to have been able to retire now, though I might get a part time job if you think it's necessary. If you can make a move to go for a dream it's worth a try. I didn't want to be old & regretting never having gone for the Scottish dream. I'm even hoping to start weaning myself off the antdepressants now.

Oh & @Siliconsteve I have started doing a lot of cooking & am finding loads of things I haven't eaten before! Didn't you move to Cornwall for a better life or was that someone else?
My last job, working for a charity, took me into loads of homes where it was obvious the people had no interest in working & played the system, but there was nothing I could do about that so I said I wasn't going to let it get to me. By working myself I had a much better quality of life than those lazy b****ers anyway.

I must admit that with the way the world is going we never had kids though!
Deep thread! I've suffered from depression on & off (mostly on) since my teens. I'm 56 now. I always managed to convince myself things would get better. I got sick of the traffic in south east England where I was a white van man. My wife (a Scot) & I decided to jack in our jobs and move to the Highlands 17 years ago. Yes you still have to go to work for a living, but as long as I have enough to pay the bills & get away each year that's fine. Never been career minded. Now we have great scenery & fun roads to play on.
I'm fortunate enough to have been able to retire now, though I might get a part time job if you think it's necessary. If you can make a move to go for a dream it's worth a try. I didn't want to be old & regretting never having gone for the Scottish dream. I'm even hoping to start weaning myself off the antdepressants now.

Oh & @Siliconsteve I have started doing a lot of cooking & am finding loads of things I haven't eaten before! Didn't you move to Cornwall for a better life or was that someone else?
My last job, working for a charity, took me into loads of homes where it was obvious the people had no interest in working & played the system, but there was nothing I could do about that so I said I wasn't going to let it get to me. By working myself I had a much better quality of life than those lazy b****ers anyway.

I must admit that with the way the world is going we never had kids though!
I do lots. Last year bought a rs Clio, a new van, a new house, went hot air ballooning, sky diving, went to Prague for Xmas. But still feel the little things bore me
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Money has become far too important in life in my opinion. I'm as guilty as anyone.
Setting yourself targets and doing things I want to do all seem to involve extra money which means I have to work more and don't have the time to do them lol
My son is coming up to 18 and his world is so far removed from what mine was at his age that I'm not sure I'd swap places with him. Wants for nothing but has hardly any freedom. Horrible!

There are two types of people in this country mate
Honest upstanding hardworking considerate decent folk &
Dishonest snivelling bottom feeding sponging w*****s.
Im pretty sure I know which category you fall into:grinning:
You calling me a bottom feeding wanke.r?