Just got the car back from its first service

Well aside from the previous pricinng post, I was without the car longer than expected. (Si can correct me on this :smile: )but as a warranty job the cam belt has been replaced due to the rocker(?) leaking oil all over it. The car felt good to drive this evening - nice and tight again. Should I be worried or looking out for anything?
if its been to a renault dealers and their machanics have had their hands on it you should always be worried. :wink:

i know of a case where a member got their car back with no brake pads in. :worried:
At least they had the decency to do something about rather than passing it off and you having the belt go on you.
At least they had the decency to do something about rather than passing it off and you having the belt go on you.

Exactly, I carried out the work on this car. The leak was actually from the exhaust cam seal. I also removed the front calliper pins cleaned and lubricated them which is not part of the service but owning a 200 I know they're a bitch later in the cars life.

Not all Renault dealerships are the same. Some of us take pride in our work
Exactly, I carried out the work on this car. The leak was actually from the exhaust cam seal. I also removed the front calliper pins cleaned and lubricated them which is not part of the service but owning a 200 I know they're a bitch later in the cars life.

Not all Renault dealerships are the same. Some of us take pride in our work

Fair play to you fella

Godspeed to you :smile:
Which one is your RS Collier? I've seen a new Storm Grey 200 outside the dealerships. Get some pictures up!
Yeah mines the storm grey one :smile:.

And it's no problem at all. Nothing worse than doing brakes and the pins being seized hopefully it will save you the cost of new ones in the future. I will get some photos up once it's cleaned because it looks a mess at the mo lol
come on Collier, i have a storm grey on too and they can be completely filthy and still look clean

Glad to see webby's happy with the service he received!
Goes to show not all us dealers are the same, and how one persons perception of a dealer
can have a massive influence on all other people on an Internet forum!

Don't forget to reccomend us webby :wink:
Wheres you caliper pins?

He serviced it himself and forgot to put them back :wink:

First thing we did was remove pins and pads and give them
a good coating in copper grease. There's no way I'm paying for pins even at discounted prices lol
Glad to see webby's happy with the service he received!
Goes to show not all us dealers are the same, and how one persons perception of a dealer
can have a massive influence on all other people on an Internet forum!

Don't forget to reccomend us webby :wink:

Of course! I've just finished the last item on the car today and put some Continental SC5's on the front, so she really feels like new again!

You know, dealers can so often seem to be very faceless and forget that they are the most important part of the marketing chain to the customer. In much the same way Karl does a great job promoting his place, I'm certain that we know there are good guys out there (that care as much as we do), people on here will travel to you.

And I now know who to ask for on the next service ;-)

Welcome to the forum fellas!