
Anyone get one?

Picked one up from Argos at 5pm on Friday, walked in at 4.59, paid and walked out at 5.05. Felt pretty smug when there were people that had been queueing for hours to get one!

Just got the 16gb wifi only. Really liking it so far. Can't see my laptop getting a huge amount of use now, which is good because its falling apart.
Keep an eye out on some of the online retailers. Comet had some in stock today for 3 day delivery.

I managed to reserve one from the Apple Store in Buchanan street at 9pm tonight (Apple opened a reserve list for their stores then).

I reserved one however think it might only be a WiFi one. I want a WiFi and 3G one. Will ring them in the morning to confirm. If not then al be waiting til they get more in.
To bump an old thread. We finally took the plunge today and bought one. Used Jack as and excuse to get it lol.

Tis a very cool bit of kit, basically renders Emma's laptop surplus to requirements.
What's it like typing on? I think they're a bit expensive, but I don't really know exactly what they can do.
What's it like typing on? I think they're a bit expensive, but I don't really know exactly what they can do.

I really like it tbh. Typing this on it now. Can type just as fast on this as on my laptop.

Yes they are expensive but with the little 'un finally arrived it does have it's educational benefits also. A child is more likely to read a book off the iPad than a conventional book now-a-days. Emma has already got the Harry Potter and Twilight books downloaded on it.

Other things like games and videos also add to the package. I was a sceptic, now I'm sold lol.
They are fantastic to use. Much better than the other tablets in my opinion, and ive used quite a few.

Not used a playbook yet, but its just too small in my opinion to use effectively.

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