Interesting pet?!

Tomato sauce FTW! :thumbsup:
Anyways back on topic lol (I think thats got to be the fastest we have ever been OT lol) I really dont like them I would never have a pig as a pet, all those people who say they are clean animals are wrong - I have seen then roll around in their own crap - where do you think the phrase 'like a pig stye' comes from lol!?
I'd love one of those!!!

We're hoping to get one or two next year, there's a lot of paper work to do first though and we need to save up. :smile:

A mate of mine has 2 regular size Pigs and they're so sociable. Although, they did eat the baubles off the tree at Christmas hahaha!!! :tongueout:

Paul, they cover themselves in mud and sh!te to keep cool and protect their skin believe it or not. Their skin is very similar to ours and they suffer from sunburn easily, hence why the cover their skin. Ok, it's not Factor 25, but it does the job... It worked for Arnie in Predator!!! :smiley: They love being hosed off when it's warm out, it's pretty funny to see. They can also be litter trained and they are very affectionate animals if they have regulat contact with people or other animals. But they will fight each other to establish a pecking order. Like any other animal really.
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awwwww, that sounds so cute!! lol. the girls in my camp are wanting to get a micro pig for their accomodation block, lol.
married one dont need another:lol::eek::eek::eek:joking if she looks