i hate "poeple" like this!!!

I've only just calmed down, please don't start me off again!

I'm sure that £50 fine is really going to make him understand what he did wrong...oh wait it's not his £50 anyway.
Welcome to Britain, here have some money and feel free to insult the very institution that supports your scummy existence.

Let's face it there are 1000's just the same as that sorry excuse for a human.
FFS why do we bother to pay tax. The world would be better if this type of scum starved until they are gone.
^^^ I like this. :smiley:

Burn the f#cking lot of them. It's a disgrace what ''people'' like that can get away with here. But, if they're only handing out £50 fines, I think I'll buy me a few copies of the Qa'ran and some cooks matches and find Mr.Choudreys, sorry, OUR TAX PAYERS garden to burn them on.
If that was the other way around any Brit would be done for 'inciting racial hatred' however that only applies one way!

£792/mth means we could buy 5 one way tickets and get rid of a handful of the ****'s...
One of the many many reasons I am sick of this pathetic country.

Time to get out..... :smile:

We should gather all these folk up and stick them in the furnaces in the power stations and get some sorta use outta them.
i could go on with several horrible ****ed up things id like to do people like this.

My granddad fought in WW2, survived and got treated like **** by the government afterwards. he worked until he was 86.

or if he was an immigrant he could of worked part time but got £800 a month in benefits?

what a ****ing joke
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