Howdey Campers new essex boy in town

Hi there fellow Clio lovers, my name is Gary and i live Canvey Island, Essex

Im on the look out for a replacement Clio 197/200 (i had untold issues with my first one crashed it in April when i swerved to avoid a deer so it got sold)

my previous cars include a Fiesta ST, a Focus ST170, and a short period in a Clio 172

but in 2011 i traded it in straight away when i found a lovely gem of a car, 2008 Clio 197 Black with black wheels, but then the issues started. Constant issues with the alarm and imobiliser caused me problems, then all the exterior lighting failed randomly along with my dash lighting up like a christmas tree, and then issues with the gearbox, so after crashing it and nearly writing it off it was repaired and sold, and im on the look for a newer one which will hopefully be better.

If anyone sees any around the £8000 mark either standard or modified please let me know

Thanks in advance, Gaz

Welcome to the club, theres a few tasty uns in the for sale section
All the people from Essex are coming out of the woodwork at the moment lol

Welcome to the forum

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