How is everyone today?



Is every1 feeling good today or is it usual Monday blues?

Who is working?

How are u logging in today? Phone? pc?
Im freezing, cant half tell winters on its way.. just on my lunch break so back to work now :smile:
Im freezing, a lot of customers to deal with and a lot of plastic to sort! :smile: Just the usual for me!

PC for me today too! First time iv been on in about two weeks?
im home baby sitting my 11 month old grandaughter
i have to look after her every monday
she is a little bugger but i love her to bits
Bored out my skull as it's a Monday, sat at my machine at my desk, however I'm sure there will be plenty to do this afternoon!
Monday blues doesn't even cut it. Seriously considered putting in a half day holiday and scooting off home at 12. Managed to hang on, will be a very happy chappy when 4:30 comes.
At work, cold in the office, no milk so its sh!tty black instant coffee and i'm busting a gut to get some sales. Just a normal day then!!!! LOL
Had a good day today, still in Devon! Decided to stay another day too. The weather is actually quite good!
blooming fantastic !

after a bad start to the year the last few weeks have been great !!!

job front still pants but fingers crossed it gets better...i hope
Glad to hear you are happy Si!

I have been plodding along at work today, well I say plodding along, we have lots to do but no system to do it on LMAO. Found out I have an interview for a much better role in the next few weeks so I am bricking it ATM lol!
oh my god i tired!!!!

set off at 5am, drove from halifax to birmingham, worked the day, drove back again and arrived at about 5pm.

i need a nap!
Great day today, got my new laptop for work so im playing around on that. Managed to get the missus' Bday prezzies sorted and I even managed to finish an hour earlier than expected (though it was still and 11hour day lol).

Though I have come home to find I have to do the "big shop" instead of playing F1 2010 like I had planned :worried:

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