chrome megane

I would love to slap it with a fish...

More serious note. What a waste of car! All that chrome coulda been put on a pointless car such as a Corsa.
Its only a wrap. Must have been for some sort of promotion or something. Should be entirely reversible.
I know it will be a wrap, but you would have thought they would remove it before selling it! Incidently, how do you go on with doing this? Surely you would have to notify the DVLA so the log book can be changed? Getting stopped by the plod in a white car that should be black will surely set alarm bells ringing??
Thats horrible !!!

I dont understand why people don't hoover the car out or wash it when posting for sale adverts :poke:
Some young and up and coming premiership footballer with not taste or style will buy that straight away! :nope:
Surely you would have to notify the DVLA so the log book can be changed?

well the car is still the same colour, it just has a sticker on it. If you covered a car in little stickers you wouldnt say it had changed colour? but i can see what you mean. I think its awesome being able to wrap a car, the colour/car combo doesnt work for me, but the idea is mint.
OMG thats a brilliant waste of time, effort and money!? I can sort of understand it if it was 250 but even then its so tacky!

Just realised we have desperate need for a :vomit: smiley lmao!
I quite regularly see numerous vehicles wrapped the same driving around Birmingham where I work. The most regular one is a Merc CL Class.