Cambelt quotes

That's pricey. Stating the obvious but how about buying the kit yourself from Renault then finding a good specialist that are cheaper on labour. Mine bought it in and I paid £400 ish. That quote of yours is steep.
Assuming you're in London that is. 22 mins away and good reviews.
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Been on the phone with them(Two Techs)today,and we are coming to an arrangement.Funny enough shells 2074 have looked
into MP motors but started using Two Techs and l just like and trust the guys with my RS.
ive just been quoted for the cambelt on mine i get discount at my local renault dealers as i work for there h/o i got quoted £1,130 and that was for cambelt, aux belt, water pump, dephaser, full service inc spark plugs pollen filter and a/c service tbh i dont think thats a bad price but its still expensive :worried:
ive just been quoted for the cambelt on mine i get discount at my local renault dealers as i work for there h/o i got quoted £1,130 and that was for cambelt, aux belt, water pump, dephaser, full service inc spark plugs pollen filter and a/c service tbh i dont think thats a bad price but its still expensive :worried:

please dont pay that, and dont entertain going to a RUK dealer - there are an abundance of specialists about which will be cheaper and know the product better (this thread proves that). :biggrin:
Like Montana said just reading through this thread tells you there are decent specialists out there that will do the work and provide the part for £4/500.
Can definitely recommend DDC they've just done my springs and they own themselves RenaultSport Clio and Meganes. Gives you faith when they actually own these cars.
you don't need to change the dephaser...there are not like 182 ones that fail..the 197/200 are very reliable that alone saves £100+