Bin Laden Dead

are they 200% certain its him ben??? Hope so!!!

yeah revenge attacks seems to be a worrying factor
i wouldn't count your eggs yet mate. i'll believe it when i see it. the americans aren't known for their 100% honesty. body conveniently 'disposed of' at sea....
the americans aren't known for their 100% honesty.


To be fair I don't believe much of what our own government say either, they all say whatever they can get away with which will allow them to keep their over paid jobs.

I wouldnt like to be in your position as being the guys the Bush/Blaires of the world send on these wild goose chases (albeit with IEDs, bullets flying etc.)
well it is safe to say that the yanks have finally made bin laden a marter for islam instead of bringing him to trial and obtaining true justice. i hope everyone has eyes in the back of there heads now because u can be sure all hell is due to break loose
I think this is going to cause madness to be honest. But as said are they sure its him because he has up to 5 look a likes doesn't he?
As monumental as it is, I think its too late, it wont change anything. All his training and skills have been transferred to hundred of others. You cant stop it now.

Very strange why theyre getting rid of the body so soon.
This is where all the countries close to the US, and the US itself will get attacked even more now as revenge for killing him.

They said they were respecting islam or something as they have to be buried within 24hours apparently.

I wouldn't show him that much respect!
should have towed him behind the boat as SHARK BAIT
god help us now they will want the revenge
His no 2 is very much still active, so although it's a bit of a coup (hideous pic on the Daily Mail website!), I doubt it will stop anything long term..