Best way to remove hairline scratches from paintwork


Paid Member
Looking for some advice about the best approach to remove lots of light scratches from passenger side of car please?

The car has Nimbus paint, and best way to describe scratches is like someone drove into/past a prickly bush several times... scratches are very fine (but noticeable), there are lots of them, and they run the length of the car.

Wondering if there is anything I can do before approaching a shop to polish out or respray.

There are many ways to deal with this, but for me

if the scratches are not deep and they are like fine hair scratches then i would rub lightly with 2000grit wet&sand paper and keep checking the progress, if your having to work harder to remove a scratch then its too deep.... then buff the haze out with a machine polisher.
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Thanks Chris - I think the place I bought it from had hidden the scratches using some kind of polish, they didn't appear until I put it through a hand car wash!

I'm looking for a permanent fix so sanding and machine polishing sounds promising - my only concern being that I'll have to sand almost the whole side of the car. I'd normally be up for it but recently fractured a rib so will have to wait a few weeks until I tackle it!

Thanks very much for the advice!
I'd definitely consider using polishing/cutting compounds before touching it with any form of sand paper.
You need to start light and gradually work heavier until the defects disappear. If the defects can't be felt by the tip of your nail, they'll polish out easily - maybe even by hand.

Given your situation at the moment, a trip to a detailer may suit you better. Should cost too much.
I can feel some of the scratches with my fingernail, but only just. I'm new to the concept of detailers, so wasn't sure if this was something they would help with. I was thinking I'd have to visit a local smart repair or body shop, but a I'm guessing a detailer might be more competitive price wise. I've seen a couple of detailers in my area advertising on Facebook - sounds like it might be worth giving them a call. Thanks!
I would use a DA and work down the polishes/compounds, lightest first & work through the cuts unit you sort it. I doubt the Super Resin Polish would do the trick as its a 3 cut & has fillers in it so unless you use IPA after to check if you have removed or filled in the scratches you may end up with the same issue. I would never machine polish or compound or use heavier cuts without using a paint gauge and always do an IPA wipe down to remove the oils.
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