Best Insurer

Hi All,

My renewal is due soon and the cheapest quote I've found is £1970 with Admiral, is it worth trying people such as Adrian Flux?

I know most of you will think that is bonkers, however it's worth noting I'm 21, with only 1yr NCB and 6 Pts for Driving without Due Care and Attention.

Would appreciate your direction on where is best.
Also try getting a quote through Bell. Bell, admiral and elephant are all the same company so quotes will be fairly similar. Makes things easy come renewal time as you just phone bell up and say 'admiral are half the price' and they match it instantly

I'm 21, 2 years NCB, 1 non fault claim, no points and pay about £900 per year
They were fantastic when I made a claim through them, couldn't have asked for more. I was claiming non-fault so it went through the third party's insurance but bell looked after it all for me.

Were you claiming for a fault claim? Or maybe they've changed
Have you tried the sites?

Please DO NOT use gocompare - I won't use them because of their HORRIBLY ANNOYING crappy adverts!!!

I found through that two separate policies was cheaper than Admiral multicar - and it saved me about £400 overall
I'm with Admiral Multicar and will probably be staying with then for the foreseeable future.

I have been very impressed with them.
I'm with Admiral Multicar and will probably be staying with then for the foreseeable future.

I have been very impressed with them.

I was mighty impressed with them - until I got my renewal through and it was £400 more than 2 separate policies lol!!!!
I was mighty impressed with them - until I got my renewal through and it was £400 more than 2 separate policies lol!!!!

Haha! My opinion might change then when my renewal comes in, lol!

I'll have to see. I think my brother is going on his Corsa D this year though (he's learning at the mo') so our insurance bill for the whole house will be into the multiple thousands, haha.
I'm with admiral aswell, cannot fault them, always the cheapest, i got a cheaper quote with bell insurance and admiral price matched it straight away.
my renewal is up in 2 weeks and i was with direct line but they want about £250 more this year and nothing has changed! Elephant and Admiral have both given me the cheapest quote cos its the same, its about £1100 and im 22 with 2 yrs NCB and 3 points for speeding lol
I have been looking a lot the last few days, and "The Green Insurance Company" were cheapest for me ...

and they plant some trees to offset your carbon ... (if that floats your boat)
Problem with the specials IE flux etc is you have to meet their specific criteria and usually being 21 isnt one of them, Once you hit 25 youll prob find flux cheaper by a hundred or 2 but until then just have to shop around,

that seems silly cheap for your circumstances. You must live in the cheapest post code (insurance wise) there is because Tesco quoted me well well over £500.

and I am 34 with 8 years no claims and no points, no claims :-(

are you guys all covered for commuting etc ...?

I just can't understand how people in there early 20's are insuring these cars so cheaply?

Some parts of Scotland are silly cheap as they are in the middle of nowhere.

But indeed, some figures on here are quite shocking!

Tesco Value cover don't get a lot of benefits with it, even so, they quoted me £950 on mine!
yeah, there just doesnt seem to be any consistency with all the prices, the same companies are offering really cheap insurance to some people and really high to others even though the ones getting it cheap look on paper to be higher risk !!

23 with a claim and 3 points should be a lot more that 34 with no claims or points on the same car !?

must be down to postcode, annual mileage, having parents as named drivers etc ....
Ahh yes, I bet there is quite a bit of illegal "Fronting" going on too come to think of it. About 98% of people on Saxperience have their parents as the main drivers and them as named, not only is that illegal, if you crashed, the insurance company probably wouldn't pay out.

No one on there believed this was true, until the unthinkable happened, someone had a horrendous accident and the insurance refused to pay out. Because a 45 year old woman drives a saxo VTS with massive exhaust etc as her main car doesn't she? :wink:

I didn't want to say "I told you so" so i didn't, but it was a hard lesson learnt, trying to cut costs does not pay off :smile: