Couple of early starts this weekend. Yesterday I went and picked up an engine crane and engine stand from a mate of mine.
This morning I headed out to Derbyshire to collect an engine.

The trusty Mondeo putting in the work as usual.

I managed to get my hands on this 104k mile engine out of a 2010 200 for £700, came with all ancillaries, new coils and plugs too (they'll be checked and changed if needed).
For now I'm leaving the belts as they look in good nick, certainly looks like the seller was telling the truth when he said the belts were done in the last 3 years. The engine was last run in May, it turns over by hand and you can feel each compression stroke so it's good news so far!
I spent this afternoon taking the ancillaries off as I'll use the ones off my engine, cleaned the block up a little, dropped the filter off and inspected the oil that dropped out of it - clean as a whistle. The wiring loom will need swapping over as this got damaged while they were pulling the engine however I know mine is fine so this isn't an issue.
Few bits to order like an exhaust manifold gasket and little bits like that. I'll get this chucked into the car in time for Snetterton this month, I'll get a couple of trackdays out of the way with it before I throw more goodies at it. I've got a set of Piper Cams lined up for it and I have a timing belt kit here ready to go on too.
If my original engine is salvageable I'll throw the nice parts on that. If not I'll take bits off that are new and anything I can use as spares then the block will get binned. I'll sell the standard cams to a MK2 owner as they seem to love them!