197 in the snow/Ice ?

folks - just wondering what the 197 is like on a snow covered roads with the conti 3s on? I've a 45 minute drive and I dislike driving in the snow at the best of times. I had a Clio 1.2 TCe and on ice I ended up going down a hill sideways because there was no traction what so ever.. (yes I know its ice!) but are the 197s any different with the ASM and TC ?
Snow now?! I struggled to get out of car parks andup the slightest hill in mine. Tc and abs shouldn't make any difference as u should bedriving smoothly enough to avoid using them . Skinny tyres should be better in the snow too
I worry about stuff in the future Mitch :tongueout: I thought I seen on top gear that a volvo could stop on a 45 degree road with ice on it and pull away safely non of that with the 197 then??:worried:
The 197 is a nightmare in the snow. I even went as far as leaving it at home during the 2-3 weeks of snow we had earlier this year, I walked everywhere !
well balls that's not what I wanted to hear oh well lol :smiley: cant see me walking 45 minutes to work / getting 4 buses a day though tbh!
ContisSC3 are rubbish in deep snow and ice, they can cope only with a tiny amount of fresh snow on the road. For real winter conditions you would need proper snow tires. I´m very pleased with


I have them in size 215/45R17, same as original Contis.Very good price/performance package.
But the tires in standard size 215 are still too wide for snow.

My new IceBears in fresh snow (last winter);

oo what do you do with them during the summer? tempted to get another set of wheels with those tyres but surly with out use they would go "off". what are they like on normal road conditions? would only get to use them one or two weeks of the year if I got them so they would need to be able to be stored!
well balls that's not what I wanted to hear oh well lol :smiley: cant see me walking 45 minutes to work / getting 4 buses a day though tbh!

Its good for you. Used to take me an hour each way in the snow, which after and before a 12 hour shift isnt much fun !
I had CSC3 for 2 winters...they are bad on the snow but OK in the temperatures >0°C.

Wouldn't recommend using summer tyres in winter.
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Adrian sorry that's a 45minute drive to work and 45 minute drive home from work christ knows how long it would take to walk.. especially if keep falling on my arse in the snow lol
oo what do you do with them during the summer? tempted to get another set of wheels with those tyres but surly with out use they would go "off". what are they like on normal road conditions? would only get to use them one or two weeks of the year if I got them so they would need to be able to be stored!

We have quite harsh winters here in Slovenia, I have two sets of wheels. Ultralegerras 17˝ for time period from March till November, and original rims with snow tires for winter. Ice Bears W300 are good for medium snow conditions and they´re also good on dry and wet road if the temperature of surrounding and the road is not too high. But of course on dry road are not as good as ContisSC3 because they are M+S tires.
I found with proper winter tyres on and the traction control left ON the Clio tugs along nicely in the snow.
not unless u want to damage ure wheels. i know. teah the seem good hopefully no snow for a while now though lol

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