clio 200

  1. J

    Cambelt and Water Pump Change

    Hello everyone! Could I ask you all for a bit of advice? My Clio 200 has just ticked over 72k but it's been six years since the cambelt and water pump was replaced. I'm very happy to spend good money on having everything done at a garage who know what they're doing - I'd just like to shop...
  2. J

    Hello from a New Member

    Hey everyone! I'm a newbie here so just wanting to check in and say Hi! I'm the proud owner of a '11 Clio RS 200.
  3. S

    Purchasing a meglio

    Hello, I'm 22 years old with 2 years no claims looking to buy my first performance car (coming from a 1.4 punto) I'm just wondering if it's bad idea to purchase a clio with a r26 engine in it. I'm also wondering what the insurance would be like (I live in quite a low insurance area) thank you.
  4. E

    Clio RS200 Racing Blue - South East New Member

    Hi All, New member and first time post, I recently collected my very first Renault last weekend.. Clio RS200 in Racing Blue. It's the CUP model, although.. it's only just come to my attention that there's the FF model - I wouldn't have minded the extra's (cruise control, climate control, colour...
  5. L

    Clio 197 handbrake not working

    Hello everyone I'm hoping for some help before I get my mechanic to look at my car. My handbrake has always been very loose but now doesn't work at all. I pull it all the way up and the car will still roll. Anything I can do myself to fix it? Many thanks to potential replies
  6. Lewis Watson

    Nice weather for a drive

    Hard to beat a Clio 200 cup, sun and quiet B roads. Hope 2018 brings more nights like these!
  7. Enis

    LY Clio 3 Rs 200

    Fist of all hello to all Clio fans all around the world :) Here is mine Clio 3 Rs from Croatia.I bought it before 7 months and it had only 31 000 miles or 50 000 km,year of production 12./2012. Just small mods for now... :D : Pipercross panel filter,decat and precat core removed from standard...
  8. Alex Ford

    Silverstone GP Ft. Recaro leathers

    Spent the weekend cleaning the car and even fitted some new seats for good measure, totally in love with the car again!
  9. Yellow Clio

    Clio 200 cup chassis vs coilovers?

    Excuse my ignorance if this topic has been covered before, I have done searches and haven't been able to find the answer I was looking for? I have a Clio 200 FF Cup and was thinking of upgrading the cup springs/dampers to a set of coilovers (B14's or AST's depending on how much spending...
  10. JB40k

    Soft paint and pad combinations?

    Morning all, I've been under the impression that the Clios paint is quite soft and having recently picked up a DAS6 wanted to make sure I won't be making a mess with too heavier pads? From new I've 2BM wash, (decontaminated when required) QD'd and waxed regularly so a full correction isn't...
  11. M

    Battery & Stop Light + Rear Brakes - Help

    Wondering if anyone can help please! Got a problem with my 200, it's been sitting for about a month, I went to drive it last week and the battery warning light came up with the stop light illuminated. I have since replaced the battery with a brand new one. Same thing happening! Does all this...
  12. M

    New To This! Best Bulbs For My 200? Rear Lights?

    Hi boys and girls, I am new to the Renault sport scene, and on here, so hi :) Just picked up my white 200 the other day and I love everything about it, except the poor lights at night... I live out the way and it is a real pain trying to see things. I don't know if it is just me, but what would...