Recent content by BenAG200

  1. BenAG200

    To sell or not to sell

    I never get a chance that's the problem!
  2. BenAG200

    To sell or not to sell

    This is exactly why I'm selling mine, I love it, honestly do but don't get enough time driving it. Seeing it just sat in the garage actually stresses me out as I bought it to drive it!
  3. BenAG200


    They're liable mate unless they have your specific instructions or signature. Courier left a set of wheels for my bike worth £700 outside the front of my house which is on a main road, naturally they weren't there when I got home and nor did I have to pay for the replacement.
  4. BenAG200

    Trackspec Clio 197

    Looks mint mate, great job.
  5. BenAG200

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    Glad it's gone to a good home, looks great with the blue bodywork.
  6. BenAG200

    North Korea......

    I've no worry about it. I live down the road from the AWE were most of the weapons are stored, I'd imagine that would get targeted first so I'd be gone before having to worry about surviving a nuclear war :tearsofjoy:
  7. BenAG200

    197 Digital style aircon control vs Dials?

    Yes climate control is meant to auto regulate the temp, I've never used it and just set it myself, I've done the same on all my cars. I think parking sensors were an option but for such a small car seems a little daft and they really disrupt the looks of the back end. P.S did you get that cap...
  8. BenAG200

    197 Digital style aircon control vs Dials?

    The digital style is climate control, the more standard looking still has aircon. For me personally I don't think the climate control is anything special so wouldn't let it be a deciding factor in buying your new car.
  9. BenAG200

    Corbeau or Cobra?

    Taking a guess but a seat that is FIA approved will have been scrutineered/checked for compliance with motorsport regs. If the seats are road legal then I can't see an FIA seat being any safer for track days.
  10. BenAG200

    Corbeau or Cobra?

    The Corbeau is the lightest, if you don't plan on competing is the FIA stamp important? For £12 extra I'd save the 6kg, weight saving on these goes a long way.
  11. BenAG200

    Lotus Exige

    Love it mate, I read that 0-60 speed and reckon you must be giggling like a school kid every time you hit the go pedal. In terms of the E46's they seem to have all gone up in price recently, seen a lot of sheds being sold with bottom price of £9k, middle of the road going for £13-14k and...
  12. BenAG200

    Attn. all Photobucket users

    I thought they were going down the pan based on the increase in marketing on the website. 10 annoying pop ups before you can do anything, clearly no strategy behind the business as the efforts to monetise it look like they were planned on the back of a fag packet.
  13. BenAG200

    Tiger Seal or SikaFlex?

    I've used Tigerseal in the past and whatever you use it on won't budge that's for sure.
  14. BenAG200

    Companies that can do a full race geo set up

    I was trying to find a way to describe that in my previous comment but gave up lol. The car is almost oversteery but in a good way, which you immediately question "how could that be good?" but like you say it's just more awareness or more feel which gives confidence, you can tell whats...
  15. BenAG200

    ex Nimbus r27r #2054

    Lovely pictures as always. I've not been much of a fan of the newer meganes but yours looks sublime and having seen a few at the Ring I must say I find them really appealing now.