Some updates, finally got everything sorted then the gearlinkage kept popping off, so I added lock wire, but unfortunately on the way to Anglesey for its first trackday the cable popped out of the housing meaning I was pretty much left with 4th gear so bit the bullet and bought this
My reasoning well it’s better to do it properly and not miss another track day than buy more cables only for it to happen again. If I’m honest I think the person who fitted the short shift to the linkage drilled the whole too close, meaning the cable was under too much tension. Anyway the CAE is as amazing as you imagine.
Here’s some photos from Anglesey which turned out to be very wet, which was just my luck after the summer we’ve had (this was August) anyways still an amazing place feels so wrong having such good views and also being on track proper double whammy

So this was its first if you like ‘shakedown’ and was exactly that as it showed me improvements were needed.
Since the clio was playing silly buggers I then did a trackday at donnington in my mates mx5 the three of us shared the car it was constantly out covering over 160 laps and was absolutely flying we were hitting 1.26 laps which is very quick for a car on 5yr old rsr tyres and that is new to us plus they have no power but all the handling great fun!!

There were a lot of clios and meganes there too which I had a good bit of fun with. Not sure if you’re on here but these are their cars

So next update.... sorry it’s so big
Also every opentrack day I’ve been to this guy has been there spoke to him on the Anglesey day also running a megane engined clio
Anyone on here?

Brands hatch GP
This was a biggy first track day since the issues have been ironed out and this track is so rarely on I could not wait. It didn’t disappoint either!!!
Clio was fast round there it’s my first time ever at Brands and paddock is quite surprisingly steep! Through the laps I did I still didn’t get to grips with that corner.
Again I had issues though, I swapped to slicks, first time I’ve put them on and usually I run spacers in my road wheels mainly for looks if I’m honest, but it seems the inner of the cup racer wheels were rubbing against the brake line, the ones I used are ktec and they’re ran through a p clip into the hub and also cable tied to the drop link but they still fowled. Luckily proline are close so my mates very kindly drove me there for me to pick up some new lines and he made there and then for me. Amazing service and a really nice bloke too. His workshop was amazing. So got the lines fitter they were much shorter than ktecs ones which I guess was the issue as when going back out these didn’t fowl. But still issues I cracked my disc and that was the end. And I did still have a lot of fun
Still brands was amazing
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