Top gear June 26th

I started to hate TG a while ago but then realised its not really about cars, i read EVO for that and TG is just an hour of larking around to fill a slot on my Sunday nights for a few weeks. Wish they made more of em though and the 200 should have been on years ago!
Think they do 3 series instead of 2 a year

Nah still one in the summer one in the winter.

6 weeks is over too quickly though. I will always watch it, nothing better to do on a Sunday night!
That's it isn't it, on a Sunday night what else is there on? Of any interest to us car nuts?
Just think this time tomorrow night we will all be doing Mike's head in, raving about how fantastic and worth the licence fee Top Gear is!!!

Well, Wild China on Eden HD is utterly spellbinding! Never seen such vast flocks of birds flying together!
Apparently they were on the devil's dyke road? 7 miles from me, its RS territory :wink:
Well I enjoyed that.... TBH anything with Amy Williams in it isn't bad IMO!!!

Oh yeah and the cars weren't too bad either!