Damn trees - sap remover EDIT: solution!

Has anyone on the site used a good tree sap removing product?
I've used autoglym but it only seems to work on tar and some bugs.

The sap spots are little yellow and orange dots that seems to stick to your car like glue. Nail-based removal results in ghastly yellow streaks on the paint work!

Help me guys, I want to wax my car but not until the sap is gone.

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You need to use a clay on it, will remove it easily.

Thanks for the suggestion BenW!
One of my concerns is it liable to remove my paint with it too? These spots are like glue. Do you use something to soften them up before removing them?
I just recently had to have a panel resprayed due to sap contamination. It was on the car just two days but bonded beyond removal. Autoglym, tardis, clay, metho, nail polish remover.. it was stuffed
Clay should remove it easily, you keep rubbing it over an area until it feels smooth and use a clay lubricant to stop it scratching the paint. Or, if you get bilt hamber clay you just use water as a lubricant which will save you some money (And the bilt hamber clay is good anyway).

You could try some all purpose cleaner to soften the clay first if you wanted to.
Fellow cleaning whores! I have discovered a miracle solution! From space or something.

Isopropyl alcohol!

Anything over 96% will remove that pesky mess.
I recommend picking a cool dry day, preferably overcast (unless you like sweat and sunburn)

Won't dissolve your paint, but always good to give it a coat of wax afterwards.

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