Your area and crime

Is it just me or do shooting stabbings and murders seem to becoming a more regular occurrence, when I was young growing up it was very rare for someone to be killed and now I am constantly reading things on the Internet about this kind of stuff happening regularly. It's getting like London and America, sad times
No jobs, no prospects, drugs n cheap alcohol. All have helped towards how bad things are getting.
Life is cheap to a lotta people..and a lotta people care jack **** about their fellow human being.
Sad but true.
A main factor for me wanting to goto :swiss: is this!

This country has no morals (well the government doesn't!)
I agree - however when I speak to older people (ie my old folks) they seem to think things went on years ago but you just never heard about it that often (few papers, no TV or internet etc). Still not like it is now... I think years ago people had a disagreement, had a bit of a punch up then sat down and had a beer... now a days people go around stabbing people for 50p.

As sad as it sounds, I actually think more people getting better benefits (ie better dole money, more cash from the government if you have 10 kids etc) has meant a reduction in crime like burglaries... so I think compared to when I was a kid (so 20-30 years ago)... I think more people have things like plasma tellies, mobile phones etc through good money from the government they don't need to go out robbing stuff.
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I seriously hope that on other planets where there is intelligent life, they have done a better job of their world than we have of this one.

We have really wrecked this planet - crime being part of a bigger thing!!!
Biggest problem I see is people are too scared to do anything. They hide away in their homes when theres a noise outside and then blame the police for not sorting out the streets.

F the police, if people actually stand up for their neighbourhood and when there is a noise outside look! If you see someone doing something ask them, if they dont piss off get a big knife and be a bit more persuasive.

Even a twitching curtain makes a difference, people lose interest when they know someone is watching them, you dont have to physically confront them.


Been away busy working and so away from site but managed to get some time tonight and just come across this thread and have to say this country is going to hell via express train.

Crime level has hit ridiculous levels in the UK and punishment is non existent. A month ago my elderly mother was attacked and left with broken bones by some chav's having a laugh as they put it, although caught and currently going through the legal system they just laugh in court at how they could't care less how it turns out as they probably just get community service or stay in a prison that's more like a hotel.

Personally I'm now thinking I should have stayed out in the UAE and just got passes for my family to come out to live with me as out there crime does exist but the punishments are appropriate although human rights supporters would say barbaric but it works as very few then dare to commit crime and I must say I've never felt safer in my life.
another policy they have which was non locals have to attain a work visa before even entering the country (which included full background checks)

If you then chucked the job in or got sacked only had a month before the residency visa side was terminated & you had leave or find new employment (think this has now been extended 2-3 months) but this also worked in ensuring the only ex-pats living in their country also worked and were contributing.

They had no dole system or free medical care but then you paid no taxes either so the money you earn was all yours, so no excuses for not being able to afford medical care or sustaining yourself during the short period you were out of work.