Would you sell your 197 for this...

Sell or keep the 197

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In 2003 I bought a Audi TT.... 3 bedroomed house next street to work was £26000..... Car at 2 year old was worth £13k... so I lost with interest etc nearly £18k, house was sold in 2005 for £115000..... HUGE MISTAKE

Its taken me 7 years to get into another car that I truly am happy with, but worth it in the long run. I ended up working 7 days a week doing endless overtime and 6 nights delivering pizza's to get a deposit together which I had.... prior to buying the Audi. But 6 months of hard graft pulled off and I now have the house I wanted how I wanted.

If the Clio has to go, look at it as the start of a fresh new chapter :smile:
As much as I love my cars I'd sell if I had the opportunity to buy a house.

Renting will always be dead money and you will never see it back, whereas at least with buying you'll see the money back one day.

Sell the 197 and maybe get a 182 as they are getting cheaper and cheaper.
id loose the partner, straight up show her the door.
say you lost the car and went ahead, worst case you split up (which is likely based on couples these days), youll feel silly and have egg on your face.

ME, my job, my car (greater than) everything else.

I've done the whole house thing before and its just not worth it in the long run.
id loose the partner, straight up show her the door.
say you lost the car and went ahead, worst case you split up (which is likely based on couples these days), youll feel silly and have egg on your face.

ME, my job, my car (greater than) everything else.

I've done the whole house thing before and its just not worth it in the long run.

I think you might be on your own there mate!
Ross I'm hardly going to split up with my misses over a car, how petty do you think I am lol. I'm not 17, its only a car at the end of the day. Just seeing if there's a scenario where I can hang on to it.
If you have a 172 then it's a no brainer BUT there was a lad on RS and he did not have 1 call on his 200 at £8250!!!!!

Yes that's right he had his Clio 200 ff + recaros at £8250 and not one call about it.

He has now px'ed it.

I think that says everything about the market at the mo.

Just be realistic in the price if you want a quick sale.

It's ok saying its only got X miles etc but buyers are very, very thin on the ground.
:coffee:Some decent figures published by the office of national statistics maybe....?

● 40 per cent of those who married in 1985 have divorced by their 25th wedding anniversary

● 8 per cent of those who married in 2005 have divorced by their fifth wedding anniversary

^ couldnt agree more lol

you say its likely these days to split up, whats that based on?
It's a tough decision for me.
I bought the clio 197 in July last year and have fallen in love with it. For sure I fall out of love with it at times as I get bored and want more speed.

Before the clio I used my mums corsa c sxi until I was 21 (22now). When I sell the clio it will be difficult as i'm sure all of you have found it when selling yours.

Very recently I was thinking, if I keep the clio for 4more years and start building on my current savings to put a healthy depost down on a house, for when that 4 years ends I will be happy. I was contemplating in another year or so trading the 197 in and getting a Audi S3 2010/2011. As much as I think the clio is nippy and is the only hot hatch with superb suspension set up as RS are known for, the S3 offers more power plus nicer interior although the clio's isn't bad. I then thought no I'll need to move out at some point and get a place of my own. I only work 10mins away so clio doens't cost me alot per week on petrol only when I go on motorways etc which is understandable so am keeping it until I get my own property. :smiley:

I was at brands hatch the other weekend at a mk2 white focus RS parked next to me and I thought I'll have a look at it's rd tax for 12months and to my amazement it's same as what I have to pay this month for 12months for the 197 £270. It's gone up £10from last year. Crazy considering that has a much bigger engine than mine.

There was a awesome metalic dark red Mclaren MP4-12 C there as the 12month tax for that was £1030. A Ferrari 458 tax for 12months is £1k. Thats pocket money if they can afford to purchase the car in the first place. lol
A house?

After recently getting married to my partner for 8 years the next logical step in life seems to be to get out of renting property and secure a mortgage for our first house.

Its as good a time as any right now for first time buyers with 95% mortgages making a reappearance, but after spending all our savings on the wedding i'd still need £8000 plus for a deposit. The easiest way to achieve this would be to sell my mods and 197, but i desperately dont want to lol. The misses has permitted me to replace it with a cheap 172 should i make the sacrifice so im not completely RS cold turkey.

A part of me thinks my 197 is finally working nicely and its just been finished in the perfect setup i've worked on for 4 years ( ITBs etc ) and im really happy with the car ATM so it'd be a real loss in my life, but on the other hand i tell myself to grow up and prioritise my future over a hot hatch, which is rarely used outside of shows and trackdays.

its a sticky situation, what would you do!?

Sell it with immediate effect!