wiki leaks

I think the guy was remaining anonymous until recently? I'm not sure why he wanted to become 'famous', I think give it time someone will have him killed. Its the short cut to stopping these leaks

Theyve already said though, the leaks will still be published no matter what happens to him. And they supposidly have that "Doomsday" file which will be released if anything happens to him, as a sort of 'insurance' on him.

This is getting pretty crazy though!
Varlski - While I do agree to you to an extent, there's a big difference to freedom of speech and exposing information which is kept secure for a purpose. He's accidentally going to crash his car or something along those lines, that's for sure.
Fair enough, perhaps my patriotism got the better of me a bit when i read that. I do still however disagree on the point that the information shouldn't be released.
Im kinda sat on the fence at the moment, I feel freedom of speech is a valuable part of society you cant just go around telling everybody everything like the playground snitch as it just causes tension. Again I think that the location of "high priority" sites is a bit of a red herring; if the terrorists are looking for somewhere to bomb they'll find it anyway. The timing of the accusations it almost comical, its all getting a bit Jason Bourne and its all in the public eye..

I like this article in the daily mash about his arrest...
i saw a video today from fox news in america and it was some guy saying he should be shot for commiting treason.

but he's australian:huh: