Point taken man. No worries. Just in my opinion it's inconsiderate for other drivers when the oncoming car has very bright lights. I do wear specs at night for driving coz, so maybe it's just that. But I also think a night pic of HID projectors vs HID reflectors would paint a better picture. The projectors channel the light into a concentrated beam, whereas I just don't see how reflectors could do the same... But if you feel it's acceptable toward other drivers, then by all means go for it. Just wanted to put my opinion out there. I haven't seen a 200 with HID + reflectors in the metal yet, so I can't comment... But I've seen plenty of other cars (Honda, Nissan, Megane 2's, Toyota) with reflectors and HID... And it's blinding... So the decision is yours at the end of the day. I got projectors so that I can use HID's, just to err on the side of caution. Once again, just my opinion.