Whats on the menu tonight?

I'm going out with my mates for a Chinese buffet tonight. Last night me and the missus went out for a meal with each other and I had a Haiwian (spelling??) gammon! Gammon, tomatoes, pineapple and cheese on top! Yum!
I'm going out with my mates for a Chinese buffet tonight. Last night me and the missus went out for a meal with each other and I had a Haiwian (spelling??) gammon! Gammon, tomatoes, pineapple and cheese on top! Yum!

Hawaiian :wink:

Sounds delicious :tongueout:anic:
Everyone is out at the football, so I have done pie, chips and mushy peas for myself. I think I have cooked about 4 times already this month. What is the world coming to! :smiley: