Whats on the menu tonight?

Oh, I forgot to post this from Sunday - had family round and might have over estimated how big a rib joint to buy - ha ha!!

Fed 6, have made 4 portions of chilli with the shredded feather, 2 cottage pies with the offcuts and will no doubt be living off sandwiches for lunch all week from the eye.

Was fricking amazing though, the village butcher hangs a mean beast!

Lol that's some beast of a roast. Ic just polished off an amazing lamb rump with medeteranian CEF and red cabbage, was immense! Can't beat meals on the company even if it does mean I'm stuck in suffolk for the night!
I'd like to say that's not the first time I've heard that..... but I'd be lying.

It was stupidly big, I should have realised when even the butcher looked puzzled and asked "are you sure you want that much?"

LMFAO u lier.

unless there was a reference to woody in the previous conversation where it cropped up lol
Tonight I have had a pork roast dinner. I stop at my parents on a Monday night so I get my tea made for me. I'm not feeling too crackin though. Although I dot think that's to do with my dinner.
ahhhhh well i didnt keep to the NCW tradition and had a fry up . .. . I was craving the beans too much lol
Is it seriously National Curry Week? Why did I not know this!? Lol! I think some serious curry eating may have to commence! My mother did inform me that we are having curry tomorrow night, but that still leaves Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun. I think some more balti planning is needed!