What mischief did you get upto in school?

I enjoyed school for the most part, didn't nail half as many girls as I could've done, frustrating finding out later in life which ones fancied you at school when you did nothing about it because you were too busy p!ssing about chasing the wrong ones or just generally being too naive to notice.

Ha yeah, I was in for a shock after we left school, I got in to a relationship with Lois and found out there was a string of the "popular" girls I thought were well out of my league had spent the last few years in to me, and I was too dumb/shy/stoned to notice :smiley:. Although in 5months I'm marrying a Girl I met at school, so I can't complain :smile:

I messed about too much at school, top set for every subject, regularly told I should expect A*, and ended up with B's across the board. Spent way too much of my time drunk/stoned/not turning up to make the most of it. I fell out with education and never went to College or Uni and its one of my biggest regrets.

Aaaanyway, my favourite "prank" was when we locked the Spanish teach in the cupboard mid-lesson and spent the rest of the afternoon having a fire extinguisher fight.

Although a few weeks later my mates locked me in the cupboard in our form room during lunch, in an attempt to get out I snapped the handle off the door and got stuck. Needless to say they found this hilarious and went to lessons. I spent 2 hours in that f*cking cupboard. I had to sit in there whilst there was an English lesson being taught. I actually got in trouble for "distracting the lesson"... I was in a cupboard! Granted I did get one of the lads to post me a fag through the keyhole so I could have a smoke :smiley:
Just seen this thread :/ my god where do I start.

Locked 300 kids in the tennis courts with a heaven duty pad lock which took 2hrs to remove :smile:

Helped jack up the head of years Toyota celica and removed a tyre.

Used some wheel chair stair climber things as racing buggys (not the best handling things) and my mate lost control and went straight through a science room floor level window of which the teacher was at her desk :/ he got up and promptly said "afternoon" and walked out lol

Managed to get up on to the roof of the nice new ICT bloke and hang a banner of a penis (6ft long) from the roof.

Borrowed the battery powered road cleaner/sweeper unit and tried to make a getaway for the road only to get stopped at the gate by a visiting police woman :/

And the best one as could go on for ages was when my mate brewed a massive fart, layed by the door to the classroom with his legs behind his head and waited for our teacher to come in and lit the thing lmao 10 years on I still find all that stuff funny :wink:

Oh and I did leave secondly school with 14 A-C grades as well before anyone asks :/
And the best one as could go on for ages was when my mate brewed a massive fart, layed by the door to the classroom with his legs behind his head and waited for our teacher to come in and lit the thing lmao 10 years on I still find all that stuff funny :wink:


I forgot to mention I never really 'applied myself' at school to be honest but despite that I ended up taking extra science classes at school to get the 3 science grades rather than two that most people did (weird system).

Anyway, extra science class and we're dissecting fish and sat next to a guy I got on with mostly thought......."well I have a raw fish.... what else can I do?"

And promptly slapped him (gently mind) round the face with it.

Sadly the teacher spotted this and sent me home, I should really find out the letter that was sent too :smiley:
Good effort, nothing wrong with having fun whilst you learn!!! :smiley:

Cheers :smile: I was always "the sensible one in the wrong crowd" but I did have some serious fun whilst there. I had my apprenticeship sorted with 2years left at school so always new I was gonna be a plumber.

It does make me laugh as the "farter" is actually my best mate now and is a geographical technician in the army. (And we also have matching kermit the frog tattoos and each others names on our arses)
Amazing what we grow up to be :wink:
This thread is making me hate my upbringing...

I want to a very strict evangelical school that teaches indoctrination. We weren't allowed to have girlfriends. Were forced to learn bible passages every day. Prayed before exams (fo real) :tongueout:anic:

Out of my class of 21, 3 are still religious - indoctrination does.not.work.

In fairness, it was a tough sell....

Never did anything naughty at all. Hell, do I feel boring, didn't realise the crazy **** you 'seculars' got up to at school :tongueout:

I am now the exact polar opposite in every conceivable way of what the school and family taught me to be.