What do I need to...........


Platinum Member
Am looking at getting my spare 197 wheels done black. However funds are low at the moment so cant afford to get them powdercoated like I would like to.

So I want to give it a go myself. I've seen it done on the tele a number of times, and by the looks of it, as long as you take your time you cant really go wrong.

I found this we description on the interweb, and just wanna make sure I have got this right before I tackle the job:

1. Mask off the tyre and valve stem. Cover tyre with newspaper.
2. Rub down the wheels thoroughly with 320 grit sand paper then some 800 grit. This should rub out any uneven mess and give a good surface for the primer to stick to. This is worth spending some time on.
3. Give the wheel 2-3 coats of primers evenly with drying time in between. The aerosols tend to be a bit thin. then once the primer has dried and is even use some 1200 grit to flat off the primer.
4. Once u have dusted off any rubbed of primer, you ready to colour. Same again, light even coats till your happy its covered even (I'd suggest 3-4 because again the aerosols are thin paint). Once dried repeat with the laquer. As long as your paitent between coats you will be just fine.

Where would be the best place to buy the different grades of sand paper and the primer and paint? Would Halfords sell all of it?
Different grades wet & dry - I buy mine from local motor factors - 5p - 10p a sheet or something - Preperation is the key the more time spent the better the finish.

As soon as the can becomes nearly empty get rid as normally this causes a splatter all over the finish.

Hope this helps
before you paint you wet rub it, and wipe with some paint prep wipes. to be honest. ive seen them on tv, they only primer the exposed metal part, they dont primer already painted surface, they just rub it up with some wet sand paper so the paint with stick to it.
One powercoated wheels should only cost like £50 to get done professionally, you could end up spending that on all the stuff to do it your self!

You called any places and got quotes?
TBH I would probably try and do it over 2 days if you arent going to get them powdercoated as Withoutabix said. Primer one day and then paint the second, the most important thing is to make sure they are clean and smooth as any imperfections will show up straight away. If they are spares then there is no reason to rush and get them back on the car. One good point is about the cans, when they are nearly empty you cant work with them, also make sure you keep shaking it.

Dont try to 'cover' in the first application - the paint will just run and look awful. Its a lot better to work from about a foot away and build up lots of thin layers with some drying time between, should give a flawless finish.

On a side note I would use detailing masking tape as it is flexible, rather than decorators stuff which will never curve around the tyre!
I would save up and get them powdercoated , cost me £180 for all 4 done.
I had some painted qnd they chipped to he'll very quickly.
Had some more powdercoated and they are still like new 2 years later.
As neil said, you will be spending at least £50 on paint, primer, laquer, wet and dry, tack cloth and masking tape.
Take them to Alloy Wheel Specialist behind Airdrie stadium.

They have done many sets for us and where to only company that BMW would allow to refurb our old M5's wheels, strange :lol:

She's really good and she will also explain to you why you should not powder coat wheels :wink:
Take them to Alloy Wheel Specialist behind Airdrie stadium.

They have done many sets for us and where to only company that BMW would allow to refurb our old M5's wheels, strange :lol:

She's really good and she will also explain to you why you should not powder coat wheels :wink:

You got a postcode and company name for her?
the name is 'alloy wheel specialist' the are on Petersburn Road which is second left coming from Colston BP garage and its just before the Primary school on your left, you go down a hill to get to the workshop.

I'll look out my receipt for a set of 17's.

The job involves removing the tyres, stripping the bare wheel, painting it, re-fitting and re-balancing the tyres.
for a set of track wheels a bit of diy is fine

but for everyday you cannot beat the professional finish and its durability - and for that matter a warranty - just had all mine re-done due to a paint fault and i had only a weeks warranty to run :thumbup1:
the name is 'alloy wheel specialist' the are on Petersburn Road which is second left coming from Colston BP garage and its just before the Primary school on your left, you go down a hill to get to the workshop.

I'll look out my receipt for a set of 17's.

The job involves removing the tyres, stripping the bare wheel, painting it, re-fitting and re-balancing the tyres.

Sounds good. Will get them to put the R888s on when they are finished intead of the Contis that are on them the now.
Make sure you have your centre caps in so they paint them as well. Don't want them looking like a factory fit wheel :lol:

You could get them to paint the Renault badge green.
Make sure you have your centre caps in so they paint them as well. Don't want them looking like a factory fit wheel :lol:

You could get them to paint the Renault badge green.

Great minds think a-like. Was gonna do the centre cap myself black and the diamond green, but if they do them anyway al say to them.