Watch "Clio 197 decat crackle map" on YouTube

@ merde francais your so polite lol

oooops dunno why it says private. I'll try sort it seen as tho there is actually a few people out there who are interested to see how the RS tuning crackle map compares to ktecs

cant view it through tap talk, have to be on clio 197.nets web page
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It does still say private mate, even on the browser. I think you can change the settings on YouTube to public, under your account? Video manager or something iirc.
In full control of the pops and bangs anyway, it only happens when i let off throttle from high revs or when i give it some and change gear. If i drive sensible its like any other 197 "too quiet" lol
Naughty that , was hoping to get mine map tweaked this month since i put a Y-pipe on the manifold but i cant get the time of work to get it mapped through the week at rs tuning ,

cant wait now though :smile: