UFO Sighting


Platinum Member

What you think?

Not sure on that one tbh, but as for the non existance of other life. Well here are the statistics:

Our sun is a star. It is one of 100 trillion stars in our galaxy (more than every grain of sand on earth). There are more than 100 trillion VISIBLE galaxies in the universe. There is not question, there HAS to be other life, but I don't believe they'd come all this way and pull off half the stunts that people wreckon they do, like crop circles, abductions, or this stunt in Jerusalem!
Just because the scientific explanation isn't immediately evident to everyone doesn't mean it's the little green men.

Still you could say it's definately an UFO until someone identifies it :tongueout:
Unidentified Flying Object IMO lol!

Statistically it is a certainty that there has to be life on another planet, there is an infinite number of planets and there will be a significant number that fall within the parameters that create an environment suitable to sustain life similar to Earth. There will be even more than fall within the environments that extremophile bacteria can live in. I aren't saying there are going to be 'little green men' walking around but there is certainly going to be some sort of life elsewhere.

As for that video, its a fake - not fact, just my opinion, however timings and speed are different...
I love the way scientists think that no life can exist somewhere unless it is the same as earth. Nothing to say life can't evolve in an environment where the temparature is +400 degrees or -150 degrees!

They had their fire p*ssed on when they found extremophiles on volcanic vents in the bottom of the ocean depths - living in a sizzling 150-250 degrees centigrade super-heated water!
Precisely, not to mention some that survive in sulphuric acid etc. thats very low ph and would eat through metal but somehow life exists, I mean WTF!? lol!

TBH I think that the only requirement for life to exist is a relatively consistent temperature, having said that though there are creatures here that go into suspended animation and can survive down to (almost) absolute zero, so really anything is possible. Info here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tardigrade

Lets be honest there are only two other 'bodies' that have been closely examined - the Moon and Mars - some scientists can't base a whole lot on that. It is like losing your car keys in the bowl by the front door and then proclaiming they never existed - there is the whole of the house to search!
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I'm not sure all scientists think that, otherwise why would they bother looking on mars and the moon?
Not to sound totally sceptical and burst your bubbles but....

Does nobody else find it really convenient that a week before an "alien" movie is released this has occured?!?!?!?!?
Let's presume for a moment that was an alien craft, if it were "manned" look how fast it moves and the G's that would impart on the pilot. They'd have to be able to create some form of inertial dampners having learnt to manipulate gravity and gravitational forces.

However even if it weren't manned they'd need to scientific knowledge to create a craft that, for some reason lit up like a fekking xmas tree yet had no obvious signs of thrust or engine and could perform the kind of acceleration that would make a zonda r owner feel limp wristed.

They'd also need to be able to control it over vast possibly light year distances or have a carrier craft close by that we can't detect in anyway (yet this one lit up like a xmas tree as above).

All of this scientific knowledge and capability and they managed to get caught on film by some tourist?

No... just no. If we were being watched, we wouldnt know.

Is ball lightning real? i forget if that was just a load of crap too..... (goes to research)

Ah http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_lightning here we are :smile:
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It could be a probe.

Alien 1 : "go check out why these humans worship this strange place"

Alien 2 : "probe detects no special reason. Apparently everyone worships it due to a book written and modified to suit needs, as recently as a few hundred years back"

Alien 1: "humans still have some evolving to do. dont they know Frank created the universe during one of his crazy experiments? we will come back in another couple thousand years"
It could be a probe.

Alien 1 : "go check out why these humans worship this strange place"

Alien 2 : "probe detects no special reason. Apparently everyone worships it due to a book written and modified to suit needs, as recently as a few hundred years back"

Alien 1: "humans still have some evolving to do. dont they know Frank created the universe during one of his crazy experiments? we will come back in another couple thousand years"

LOL, I'm aithiest and totally agree :smile:
If aliens had the advanced technology to visit another planet, something we cant do. Why would they need to come that close to the planet? We can read a newspaper from space and were the new kids on the block. Surely they'd have a better telescope than us? If they wanted to see anything going on on this rock they surely just point the alien-hubble at us.

I'd love to discover an alien race, but it would change everything we know and think, probably bring our own apocalypse. :001_unsure:
I'd love to discover an alien race, but it would change everything we know and think, probably bring our own apocalypse. :001_unsure:

I'd love to be at the mass given by the pope after the discovery was announced. Not sure how they'd explain that one :confused1:
I'd love to be at the mass given by the pope after the discovery was announced. Not sure how they'd explain that one :confused1:

same way the Catholic church deal with everything, just claim it never happened, brush it under the carpet and move on. Cant beat blind faith.
not possible as there is no way to travel faster than the speed of life, it's the fastest speed wormholes and all that **** are theories and will remain that. we know and the nearest possible place for life is millions of light years away,if in the remote event it was possible to travel close to the speed of light so even in suspended animation whats the point, to come and just look. and i doubt they could live for millions of years cos if they were beings they would be organic and break down like the rest of us carbon based lifeforms with age.
not possible as there is no way to travel faster than the speed of life, it's the fastest speed wormholes and all that **** are theories and will remain that. we know and the nearest possible place for life is millions of light years away,if in the remote event it was possible to travel close to the speed of light so even in suspended animation whats the point, to come and just look. and i doubt they could live for millions of years cos if they were beings they would be organic and break down like the rest of us carbon based lifeforms with age.

The closest planet outside our solar system orbits a young Sun-like star only 10.5 light years away--so close that telescopes might soon be able to snap pictures of it, new observations confirm.

About 1.5 more massive than Jupiter, the planet takes 7-years to circle its star, Epsilon Eridani. The giant gas planet was originally detected in 2000, when astronomers noticed a rocking motion in the star which they attributed to the gravitational tug of an unseen planet. Astronomers recently confirmed the wobbles and the planet's existence with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.

But yes, you are right, there is no was that we can conceive that they can reach us!

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