Twingo Clioengine Conversion


Paid Member
I've seen a few Twingos with a F4R when scrolling Instagram and fb and it's got me wanting to build one.

I posted this same question over on a Twingo forum asking if anyone had done the conversion but had no replies.

I'm assuming this swap is slightly more complex than the meg swap into a clio so just looking for some guidance on the problems I'm going to encounter before starting.

I have an whole 200 I plan to use as the donor vehicle just haven’t got a Twingo yet.

If anyone has any knowledge of this swap I’ll be interested to hear what the easy bits and what the hard bits are.
Turborenault may be able to offer some advice too.
There’s a guy on there who put a Meg engine into his Twingo. You’d expect the Clio lump to be easier
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I think Adey made a 'how to' on turborenault when he put a F4R in his GT

There is the option of going to a specialist, with them providing everything, but that is around 6k.