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I agree about what you've all said tbh. Needs to improve and focus a little more on the cars.
It's all crap, I have a person I know of on FB who used to worship the three pillocks, now he utterly hates them, and doesn't hold out much hope for tonights rigged, set up load of utter tosh too!

Like I said on FB - Christmas Special from North Korea, then we'd never ever have to see that lanky tw*t ever again!!
If you don't like it, don't watch it :-p

It is an entertainment show. I just hope they come up with a bit of new material!
OMG I love that programme! The Aventador stole the show IMO tonight, it looks 10x better than the 458 and spent most of the time shooting flames!

Roadtrip through Italy anyone??
Aventador very slick looking & fire breathing super car (shame NA engines are about to be no more), I love the MP4-12c as well but knew that would be doomed on any challenges being driven Mister Slow :smile:
Aventador is an epic car. Disappointed they never let the stig drive it round the track. Was a decent episode though, might still have a glimmer of hope.

Loved Clarksons "special face, for continental police." Favourite moment.

ps: Hammond never picked a 911!!
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