To cup or not to cup...?

I've got a non-cup chassis 200. I do a fair amount of motorway miles, having driven a few cups I'm more than happy with my set-up. I think Evo summed it up best. Both great to drive, the cup chassis is better when you drive really hard. Up to you wether having a firm ride (and it is very firm!) 100% of the time is worth it for maybe the 5-10% when you'll feel the benefit.

Optimum setup for me would be the cup rack, with the non-cup chassis.
Yeah the wheel is a bit of a let down! I think that must be where all of the cost saving goes! Glad to see you made a good choice with the FF + Cup chassis option! IMO it is the best way to do it, by far!

Oh and don't worry about the Nimbus colour, it is very nice to look at! Not to everyones taste though as it is a bit pale in comparison to the other bright colours but at least it will attract less unwanted attention!

Cool, glad to hear it, I was going to go for GW with a black roof as it looks great, but it seems like nearly every time someone orders an RS200, it's GW, so though I'd go for something a bit different.

Adding the cup chassis made me bin the Recaro's though as I thought that it would be a bit too much of a compromise for what will be a high mileage car.

Either way though, after trying both, I'd be happy with either...
Sounds like a win win situation to me mate!

Yeah I am the same, I like to do something a little different to the majority, but I can see why there are so many GW's - it looks brilliant!