the value of my clio

Give her this option:

Keep the 200, get a caravan - keep the car and car live together. But as punishment for having to tow (and living in) a heap of poop attached to the car make sure you give it some around the corners whilst she is on the loo :smiley: (then run)
I'm looking at the moment and there's loads for sale. It's a buyers market so make sure you don't ask more than what it's worth. Otherwise you could be stuck with it. I would say around 9 half to 10k.
Why cash the car for a deposit? Save for few years and keep the car. Unless she has equal value to put down, in which case, tell her to wait :wink:
It's settled. I'm keeping the car and going to give it a few months before I move out.

She knows I love my car and I said I would only move in if she got rid of hers and her and I shared either a Megane 265 or Focus RS :smile: She didn't accept haha

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