The economy


Platinum Legend
Platinum Member
Anyone think that the crap is gonna hit the fan again this year, causing us to go officially back into recession? I have various savings and investments and am getting virtually no return on any of them. My works shares scheme seems to be the most profitable thing at the moment, but I can't see that lasting long if we go back into recession.
Best bet is to keep yer money in a safe in yer house. Safest way tbh.

Recession round 2 will be worse than round 1 IMO.
There's another expensive war brewing, get you money under your bed where you can see it. :wink:
It's 50/50 between them and Syria I think. Syria don't have a nuke though so it could be them first.
I've got savings in a Buildings Society that doesn't take any sh**e. But I bank with Lloyds, so not exactly the best bank in the world. Been considering changing, may have to I think. I don't entirely blame the government, but I think they are making everything so much worse by making loads of people redundant. RAF, army, police staff, etc. They should be creating jobs, encouraging people to get jobs, reducing the amount they spend on benefit and increase the amount of money they get back in income tax and NICs. It would also give businesses a bit of inspiration!
You are ok if you are selling paddles this year, I think we are heading back up s**t creek!
I really can't place all the blame on the current government. In my mind it was the Labour years that really buggered it up for us. Surely they knew how much they were spending and the fact that it was not sustainable.
Blair was in power for longer and set Brown up for the fall. I blame them both. At the time, I honestly thought Blair was a good PM but it just goes to show that Labour can't be trusted at all. I have some sympathy for the current government, they are just trying to tidy the mess up after all.
Labour in general messed up. Blair bottled it and left Brown to fix things but he made it worse.

The current lot are giving it a good go, but they're not going to fix in four years what took twelve years to mess up.
Think it is Brown no matter what, he was chancellor of the exchequer - managing finances, before being PM...

The cause of the recession is more worldwide, the fact that we haven't had a solution is the real issue, I can't believe that it is still ongoing after 2 years, should have been heavier cuts on all of the crappy handouts and red tape we have to live with and ploughed into development and manufacturing. Things like the high-sped rail that is due to take 25 years (before it goes over budget and late) to complete, should have been top on the list of priorities for encouraging employment as it spread across most of the country....
Labour in general messed up. Blair bottled it and left Brown to fix things but he made it worse.

The current lot are giving it a good go, but they're not going to fix in four years what took twelve years to mess up.

Agreed, which is why they must continue in power after the next election. If everyone decides they have cut too much and made things worse for everyone, we will end up with Labour in power, and that means we will basically have a cross between Mr Bean and Basil Fawlty in command - Ed Milliband :tongueout:inky:
Stocks and shares. :wink: with a few hundred quid and some good research you can make a cheeky £100+ on short term investments.
You could argue that we should never really have been there in the first place.

I think Sadaam needed to go, but thinks have hardly improved. And the Afghan' thing was just a wild goose chase. I'm not taking anything away from our servicemen, but it's not our war, we've problems that could do with sorting in our own back garden before trying to solve everyone elses... I was hoping that us and the Yanks taking over a good chunk of the Oil fields would see our V-Power prices drop, but that'd be too much to ask.


Never thought of the Brown thing like that before. Useless one-eyed tw@t, raped me through PAYE and now he's left one hell of a legacy.