The economy on the up?

I'm a toolmaker by trade (mould tools not spanners etc) and over the last 2 weeks things have gone mental. We went from having enough work to keep us ticking over and on a normal wage to having so much we are sending work out. I'm currently working around 50-60 hours a week, we just cant get the stuff done fast enough.

Is this a sign that things are back on the up or just a blip I wonder? Any other members in manufacturing? If so has there been any change for you recently?

Its more of a sign that loads of others in your line of work have gone belly up, so leave you with more work as there's less competition.

Im finding the shops on the high street are really struggling and have been for sometime, but the big company's like Tesco and so on are doing well as its convenient and there not wasting time and fuel going round towns and what not shopping so the high streets are starting to look an eye sore with everything shutting down which turn even more people away
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I think so, it was never going to be fixed overnight though and I think some people gave this new Government an unfair amount of **** when they announced The Budget etc., but once things start to pick up then nobdoy will bother about that. They must've saw all of this coming, we'd had a massive boom in recent years and the usual pattern is that a massive fall happens after it.

I work for B&M Waste Services... Bascially, we're a private commercial refuse company. We pick up everything from hazardous waste to the general waste from businesses. Luckily, I only have to work with card and paper, I don't do smelly bins hahaha!!! We've actually grown through the reccession. We lowered our prices ever so slightly which saw us undercut a lot of other people. We recycle EVERYTHING (even our ''general waste'' is processed into pellets to be burnt at power stations) we collect and we make money when we sell it on to the good people of China, who, apparently, are unaware of this reccession.
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I have that much work work on it's unbelievable. I have gone from being made redundant 6 months a go to having 3 or 4 different sites on the go.

There isn't actually enough hours in the day to get the work completed on time!