Thanks Mr Tax Man

Thanks Mr Tax Man.

I recived a letter from HR saying you owe me £200 due to over payment in 2007 - 2008.

Now what to spend it on :smile::bounce1:
Nice one.just had a cheque of Scottish power for £233 over payment too:smile:
I got £481 back from the tax man Yesturday for over taxing me from 2007-2008. Not bad eh
Lol my mate got 2 letters, first one says you owe us £500 from 05-06, second says we owe you £600. Seems everyone is getting money back but me.
Where's my letter!?! TaxMan is still a tw@t as far as I'm concerned, but if he'd like to send me a nice letter then I'd happily retract this statement. :smile:
I had a letter today confirming my exemption from NIC for my self employment. I have a full time job too, but do little bits and bobs for a friend during the summer, so don't actually earn that much, but have to declare it.

I accidentally over paid by £1.50 for my income tax, but I think I can forget that amount.