Tarmac Rally Car

112!! I expected you to say about 125ish but that's very short, suppose you don't need the top end doing what you do though.
yes both sadev, but difrent boxes

found this on helix website

[h=4]Concentric Slave Cylinders[/h]If a flat faced Concentric slave cylinder or flat faced release bearing is to be used, then a Top-Plate (TP) must be added to the top of your cover assembly.
This sits on top of the fingers for the release bearing to actuate against.
Adding a top pad will increase the setup height of the cover by 6mm

How did you get past this issue with the clutch, I'm fitting a 184mm into mine and it looks like I'll be having the same problem.

cut up spare slave cylinder and used as a spacer

I spoke to Helix today about my clutch issues and they've asked me to send my cover plate back into them and they'll get the correct one made. Another 2 week wait..lol..not to worry..
Nice car, looks like many hours of work!
For which class have you prepared your car?
Seems like any open class?

Good Luck for your races!

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