Love this here's 5 since saturday:
1. You pick up your brand new car from the dealer - great start, to be handed flowers...WTF is it 1992?
2. Your new car is 'prepped' and ready for collection sir. Prepped by who exactly, Stevie Wonder...
3. Shopping at Waitrose, a complete bunch of cluster f&^%s who have no idea how to shop or have an ounce of sense that they are blocking an entire f&^%$(g isle while 'Godfrey' and 'Felicity' pick their favourite pasta...absolute c^&^s.
4. Shopping at Waitrose while 'Felicity' and 'Godfrey' are at the checkouts drinking coffee from their waitrose cups, absolute c^&^s. Get your shopping then sit and have a drink.
5. Parents that mouth off to their kids swearing, in public while your kids are with you - what is wrong with people?