
Possibly may have just got done by one of those coppers with the guns! Was in a 40 probably doing about 45/50. Chatting and not paying a great deal of attention :worried: stupid i know! Typically was one of the times i wanst intentionally going fast! :worried:

There was a mini and a BMW in front of me in the lane between me and the copper. So they could have possibly shielded me? Does anyone know much about these guns? I broke down to 30 as soon as i spotted them, a short way before i was level with them. What should i expect? And is there a chance if it was me they targeted and i do get done, i would be offered the speed awareness course instead of being slapped with 3 points? :worried:

So gutted! :worried:
You'll be offered the course if they did catch you but if you were nearer to 45mph then don't even worry about it.
....cop with a speed gun requires a pull over, and a chat....they will have been checking for people doing well over the limit so you should be ok.....mate of mine was pulled for speeding in an Integra R last week...he was recorded at 111mph in a 70 limit!! Got three points and £60.....very lucky and a good job it was a cop with a speed gun and not a mobile speed camera....
Yeah as already said, I think they need to pull you over if they use a gun, so i reckon you should be ok Nick.

And Slime, your mate was DAM lucky! Over 100mph should be instant ban
Yea should be ok... I think they have to stop you if its a speed gun.

A friend of mine said this just after it happened. And a few guys from work said it also. So with any luck I'll have gotten away with it :s

My mate who was with me said that they could have just been doing research aswell? Anyone heard of them just doing research with these guns? Its a new bit of road thats lovely and straight, I said that it wouldnt be long until there are GATSO's there lol and now this!

I just hope nothing comes through the post! lol
A friend of mine said this just after it happened. And a few guys from work said it also. So with any luck I'll have gotten away with it :s

My mate who was with me said that they could have just been doing research aswell? Anyone heard of them just doing research with these guns? Its a new bit of road thats lovely and straight, I said that it wouldnt be long until there are GATSO's there lol and now this!

I just hope nothing comes through the post! lol

there are some "new" speed guns - use digital video and speed trace of your car - bit like a little movie of you speeding towards them - not sure they are active yet or not and as said could be "testing" them
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Well at least that means wthe Yorkshire lot got away with it on the last run out...

Hopefully nothing will come of it Nick. I think you would be hard done by if you got a ticket for that speed. Gotta love how speeding is one of the 'worst' crimes in the eyes of the law...
I cant say how fast exactly i was going :S last time i looked at the clock before i broke when i saw them i was going just under 50 i rekon. And i didnt speed up at all. Just think ill have to wait and see!
Lol u will find that speed guns have the same anpr data tracking system as police cars, courses are offered to people doing 10% plus 1 mph

You will more than likely get a letter asking you to confirm driver and then this will be followed with a FP (sp30) and 3 points
I think some clarification is needed here.

If it was a uniform policeman in a marked car they have to pull you over and physically show you the speed recorded on the gun, report you for speeding and give you a notice of intended prosecution or NIP, this is a bit of verbal spiel. The police do not do 'research' for future gatso locations on new roads/old roads, Gatso's are installed and run by the local authority (the council) with all funding going to them.

If it was a big speed camera van, then these again are run by the local authority not the police, they are equipped with ANPR and recording equipment which capture your car/speed and then if speeding you get the NIP through the post, they don't deal with you at the road cause they can't.

If you drove passed, it was a proper copper and he didn't pull you over I shouldn't worry about it.
I dont know what to think! you hear so many opinions and stories lol dont know what to believe tbh. Where it happened is like a mini dual carrige way. 2 lanes one way, 2 lanes the other. With a raised kerb in the middle and about a metre wide bit of tarmac separating the 2 lanes. The officer was standing on this middle bit pointing the gun to oncoming traffic. I think i saw a marked car right over the other side of the road on the verge. And they pointed the gun at the back of the car as we drove past. I still dont know who they targeted as there was 3 cars in a group. I was furthest away from the officer at the time with the other 2 cars between me and him. So he might not of even been aiming at me? I think ill just have to wait it out and see really! :S hopefully nothing comes though, fingers crossed!