So what is everyone into besides clios/cars

When im not working im a big movie and tv fan. Current favourites at the momment are 30 Rock and The Walking Dead.

Could probably name more car manufacturers than i could countries.

Rangers fan so enjoy watchin high quality one touch, free flowing football.

Something else which i see emerging from this forum is that I also play the xbox when theres nothing on tv. So add me if your bored (Forza3, Blackops, Battlefield 2 for now)

strangly enough, dont run away now, but i do have an interest in weapons. Comes from a lifetime of playing tactical shooters. :woody:
Downhill biking/dirt jumping.

xbox 360, motorsport :smile:.

I used to love eating but can't eat just anything now due to gluten intollerance :'(
and also used to love being on my computer....untill i started full time employment being on one 8 hours a day lol.
mostly work...
brazilian jiujitsu
motorbikes - currently on a 600rr5
food / cooking
TV / film and fiddling with my HTPC
and lately rabbits & guinea pigs!

also enjoy climbing, swimming and mountain bikes although these are getting few and far between coz of lack of time.

not gamed in a while, really wanting a ps3 at the mo, but just wouldn't have enough time to play it / jutisfy the cost.
My life pretty much revolves around Southampton FC, I got season ticket and attend most away games as long as I can get away from work.

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