So what is everyone into besides clios/cars

I shall start.........

Im quite into my taekwondo been doing it for about 8 years now :mellow: had a nice 2hour training session today and loved it.

So what does everyone else do when their not playing with their clios??
i used to be a gym rat a few years ago, im into xbox and playstation. now all my time is taken up with work and studying building services. im doing a paper as we speak.
Football, support Everton so do alot of travelling at the weekends, and golf! Can't get enough of it!

Oh an holidays, wish I could be on one permanently!
Bikes sort of, I got rid of mine but still love them.

Enjoy reading, been ploughing through Arthur Conan Doyle and some Jules Verne books recently.

Also into computers being my line of work and cooking, love home made bread :smile: .
- Health & Fitness and the Gym (im a personal trainer/gym instructor)
- Football (and sports in general)
- My xbox & ps3 - Particularly COD and FIFA

... to name a couple.
I do some mountain biking, but it is difficult finding the time. I play badminton too. But I also eat lots. Does that count? Lol!
My life revolves around food, I'm always thinking about what's next after each meal.. Think I have a problem :tongueout:
Used to be well into the gym - 4 times a week but not been for 3 years now - and the weights piled on! Around 2 stone of it :swear:

Love motorbikes but not got one at the mo, so that leaves my computer and computer games, mainly COD but love the odd game of Unreal Tournament seen as i'm a very, very old skool gamer :biggrin:
Errmmm i dont have much time to myself really but wen i do get chance formula 1 2010, i used to play semi pro snooker but rarely find enough time to practise these days. Internet research is my holy ground looking for my next mods :smile:
Play football when I'm not injured.

Spend a lot of time with the family, days out etc

Also play guitar, was a bit of a Noel Gallagher wannabe back in the day (still am I suppose), but don't have as much time to play now.

Football, family and cars take up pretty much all my time
I like a bit of photography (still crap at it tho...) and planning my next trip somewhere..oh and cricket and rugby..and food..and wine (lots of it)....and military history..and I'm normally cycling training for some daft challenge..

Apart from that- it's work, work work :worried:

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