
anyone having snow in mainland?

its snowing heavily here still

these where taken at 9:30 and its been snowing non stop. The snow is half way up my wheels nearly now. Looks like its close to a ft now.


well it due to snow today at noon, 2pm,3pm,5pm,6pm,7pm,9pm,10pm,11pm,1am,2am,3am,4am and more over Saturday, Sunday Monday and Tuesday here.. you get the idea not looking forward to it!
lol my whole bumper is nearly covered now will be in the next 30 minutes or so I reckon! wont see my driving for a few days!!
Not snowed here today, only very very few flakes about 12. We had a very small 'dusting' as they say over night.
Non today, but forecast alooooottt tomorrow!

Looks like the clio will be staying in the garage tomorrow! :glare:
Ice is horrendous down here, light dusting of snow, with heavy snow forecast for tomorrow.

The roads are lethel. Even the main dual carriageways are like ice rinks. NIGHTMARE!

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