
I've been trying lately to get back in to better shape. So I've been doing a few things like cutting carbs and lifting weights etc. but decided I need more cardio work.

So... I'm gonna start running so figured I see who else does it and do you have any tips?
Where you run?
What you wear?
What you eat/when you eat it (before/after)?
Any other good tips?

Any advice welcome. I SUCK at running and it really annoys me lol!
(I've got a Bsc In Sports Science)

Here's a PDF on Half Marathon Running, but you can take bits out of it. For example a 3 mile Run is achievable for anyone. The idea of the Long/Hard/Easy/Quality Run can all be interchanged as and when you feel.

A main point away from the actual running is equipment. Please make sure you wear the right footwear, running trainers like Asics or Reebok will suffice. You don't have to break the bank just make sure they are comfortable and have some 'give' in them.

Eating wise (Ideally leave 2 hours after eating before you run (Time to digest):
BEFORE - Carbohydrates (Pasta, Baked Potato etc)
AFTER - Carbs & Protein (Red Meat)

Here's another link which should help...

And finally...Most new runners get injuries and shin splints from running on hard ground like Tarmac, it will be harder but running on Good Grass (Not too bumpy) or a more compliant surface will reduce injuries!

Most importantly ENJOY it. Wear what you want, use your Ipod & Run where you want, whether it's a nice park or somewhere secluded.
Thanks for the info Troopy, just what I was looking for. TBH I'm not overweight or anything, but I have to say im pretty dissapointed with how unfit I am. I went for a 'once around the industrial estate' on my dinner hour and I wrecked by the end of the road :smiley:

Though I have cut out carbs a LOT and so had very little energy. My biggest issue seems to be lung/breathing wise. My muscles aren't tired but my lungs just seem to cave in once I get past a brisk walk lol

..P.s Im not trying to rub it in Roy.. (sorry :smile: )
Yeah running after your dinner definitely didn't help lol. Just build it up over time. Keep it simple and keep it fun. Nothing wrong with lots of short runs for a few weeks :smile:

Breathing wise its very important to get used to breathing through your nose, it sounds stupid but we all generally breathe through our mouths so it's strange when you're breathing in deeply through your nose.

Once you're running and you 'hit a wall' hopefully not literally, just stop and walk the rest, there's no advantage to pushing through it, you just cause yourself discomfort.

Have you got anyone you can run with? It makes a huge difference if your chatting, and taking it in turns to lead at a different pace.
Have you got anyone you can run with? It makes a huge difference if your chatting, and taking it in turns to lead at a different pace.

No I was in the workshop on my. Will be all week :worried:

I doubt I'd be able to chat anyway, I struggled with breathing in general :smiley:. Glad you said that about the wall, me being thick headed would have thought 'no pain no gain' and tried to carry on.

Thanks again :smile:
Haha no worries. That's a shame, not much chatting does occur but an occasional "come on keep up" is usually what comes out, well for me anyway. I played footy on thursday for the first time in 4 weeks and my legs felt like jelly driving home lol!

Will do mate, are you any good at CPR? As I may need a support vehicle and paramedic for my next go lol!

Haha, even though as we know the 197's are fast i'm not sure they're fast enough for me to get up to Barnsley in time to help haha, but yes I do know CPR, whether I'm any good or not who knows lol!

And i've just noticed your signature V1's are awesome, definitely more bumpy on rubbish roads but fantastic on a good surface and it handles wayyy better than before.

I feel a 'charity' run coming's all for a good cause :wink: haha
Shoes are easily the first and most important thing to sort, I've tried a couple of different of makes and I find oasics really good.

Haha, even though as we know the 197's are fast i'm not sure they're fast enough for me to get up to Barnsley in time to help haha, but yes I do know CPR, whether I'm any good or not who knows lol!

And i've just noticed your signature V1's are awesome, definitely more bumpy on rubbish roads but fantastic on a good surface and it handles wayyy better than before.

I feel a 'charity' run coming's all for a good cause :wink: haha

I'd need to be sponsored £50 per meter mate lol! The only thing that puts me off the v1s is that half my favourite roads have crap surfaces. And I'm looking at moving away from doing track days in the clio...

Getting OT now though lol. Thanks for the tip richandgem my trainers aren't that bad but I do have flat feet. It's why I dont use the treadmill in the gym.
can't overstate the use of proper running shoes, if you can get to a shop where they will monitor your gait and advise suitable shoes then do that, if not do a little research on it. i used to run on 'neutral' shoes and found my ankles and knees hurting, after a little research i found out that i am a moderate 'over-pronator' and require running shoes with structure and support to help my gait.
there's some decent information on selecting footwear here , i buy my shoes from as they stock last seasons colours at reduced prices and are sorted in support types
can't overstate the use of proper running shoes, if you can get to a shop where they will monitor your gait and advise suitable shoes then do that, if not do a little research on it. i used to run on 'neutral' shoes and found my ankles and knees hurting, after a little research i found out that i am a moderate 'over-pronator' and require running shoes with structure and support to help my gait.
there's some decent information on selecting footwear here , i buy my shoes from as they stock last seasons colours at reduced prices and are sorted in support types


If you have a DW sports nearby, they usually have a treadmill set up in the store section to check your gait
I think'd I'd feel a bit of a fool going on a running machine in a shop just yet. I need to make sure this is something I'll actually do before I get too committed.

Thanks for all your advise though :smile:
Robo, I found the trick to running is going at a pace that you could still hold a conversation if you had to. This combined with doing as many miles as possible, as your body starts to get used to the mileage, the pace will start to increase.

As others have mentioned, running shoes are important particularly if you're flat footed. If you intend to take running seriously I'd suggest you invest, otherwise I should imagine it won't be long until you pick up an injury.

Best of luck!
can't overstate the use of proper running shoes, if you can get to a shop where they will monitor your gait and advise suitable shoes then do that, if not do a little research on it. i used to run on 'neutral' shoes and found my ankles and knees hurting, after a little research i found out that i am a moderate 'over-pronator' and require running shoes with structure and support to help my gait.
there's some decent information on selecting footwear here , i buy my shoes from as they stock last seasons colours at reduced prices and are sorted in support types

This. Up and Running are a great shop for running shoes. They'll also provide quite a few trainers across the price ranges.

I also use to plan runs/see how far I've ran.

Lastly, get an iPod or iPhone with the armband. I find it much easier running to music to keep a rhythm, and make a decent playlist